HSPA Advanced M2M Terminal Modem
Remote Asset Management, Home Alarms, Rail, Remote Control, Surveillance Cameras, Process Monitoring, Connectivity Gateways, AMR Gateways Multi Vending Machines
Industrial featured GSM-GPRS JAVA Modem Terminal
Vending Machines Display Panels, Street Lighting, Process Monitoring, Pipeline Monitoring, Warehousing, Tank Monitoring, Remote Control, Valves Solar Heating
NEW industrial featured M2M terminal modem for LTE, CDMA and HSPA+ networks.
MTX-TUNNEL is an application running on GSM-GPRS Terminal based on Cinterion TC65i designed for RS232-GPRS communication with remote devices.
Solar Heating AMR Gateways Multi , Remote Control, Remote Control Process Monitoring
Embedded Cellular System-on-Module (SoM) (MTQ Cat-M1 Series)
16mm Multilayer Pert Al Pert Underfloor Pipe (Wras Approved)
Revolutionary Connected Driver Assistant
Floating Car Data, PAYD / Insurance, Leasing, Rental Car, Personal Navigation Devices Traffic Information
MicroStrain's wireless sensor networks (WSN) enable simultaneous, high-speed sensing and data acquisition from multiple sensor nodes.
Traffic Information Mining, Assembly / Packaging, Material Handling / Conveyance, Environmental Monitoring, Pipeline Monitoring, Agriculture Process Monitoring
Personalized astrology consultations and horoscope predictions by expert Vedic astrologers.
MyxyBox+ is a complete solution, incorporating a wide angle camera with integrated motion detection, providing an additional monitoring point.
Process Monitoring Detectors , Home Awareness, Lighting, Home Automation, Home Alarms Remote Control