IoT Products

Synapt’s smart solution Safety & Security is an integrated, end-to-end safety and security product, a fully customizable solution to address the needs of public safety and security. Law enforcement and emergency response agencies can easily take advantage of this IoT solution.

Emergency Response Systems: Imagine the occurrence of a fire in a building. The Safety & Security solution detects it and sends information to nearby public-safety answering points (PSAPs) and first responders with appropriate information and shortest routes. In addition, it sends an exit map to the mobile apps of the people inside the building.

Law Enforcement Agencies: The solution ensures better productivity, decreased crime rate, and better control and management of a crime scene by using appropriate sensors, controllers, body-worn video (BWV) cameras, wearables, and mobile apps.

The solution takes advantage of the entire gamut of IoT, and drastically improves the response time by providing contextual information at the right time. The solution provides web and mobile apps for B2B (safety and security agencies) and B2C customers (building occupants).

Technical Specification