IoT Products

The DNA of Wireless Logic is reliable, resilient and cost-effective connectivity. We work alongside every major UK mobile network enjoying preferred partner status. Those same relationships are also seen across an increasing number of European and worldwide networks. As preferred partner, we have direct access to the innermost workings of the networks.

Solving technical challenges

Technical challenges are addressed efficiently and our purchasing power from managing over 2.0 million subscriptions enables us to command competitive pricing. We design Service Level Agreements that suit our customers and provide an ongoing insight into network developments affecting the M2M global space. SIM usage aggregation enables customers to keep a strong hold on airtime costs, with aggregated models on both same network and multiple networks, based upon same data usage monthly tariffs.

 Local GPRS/3G/4G

Selecting the right network, service and tariff should all be predicated on the applications’ communication and connectivity need. Choosing the appropriate network will depend on a number of factors – from location to data usage, whether the device is static, mobile, national or international. And consideration should be made to the importance of ‘always on’ which can be critical for applications such as lone workers.

With this information, Wireless Logic can propose suitable networks and tariffs along with contract periods designed to meet the expected duration of the project. Forecasting data usage is vital to ensure the minimisation of ‘overage’. Real-time monitoring via SIMPro will negate ‘bill shock’ with tariffs able to be modified as and when the applications’ usage patterns are recognised if different from the original forecasting.

Location-wise, Wireless Logic utilise a number of tools to ensure the ‘best fit’ network for the application. In country-wide roll outs, deployments will regularly use a number of networks within their SIM estate. Importantly, each network will sit comfortably within the SIMPro platform, where complete visibility, monitoring and control can be managed for the entire SIM portfolio, across multiple networks.

As the market evolves, connectivity management is becoming a key focus in terms of business value. The science of application vs network selection is an important part of the Wireless Logic ‘value-add’ – the right choice can enable considerable savings over the life of a deployment.

Complete control across multiple networks

SIMs can be distributed to customers pre-provisioned or dormant. Self-provisioning via SIMPro gives users complete control, ensuring connectivity is only paid for once the application is ready to go live.

Technical Specification

To learn more about our connectivity options across 26 UK and European networks, click here.




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