IoT Services

With Telenor Cloud Connect, we make it easy for you to get started adding digital services to your product. Together with partners, we connect your product and create an end-to-end solution for your digital services. We support you with design and development of the hardware solution, information management, end-user application as well as operations of the complete solution.

In short, Cloud Connect will enable you to:

  • Speed time to market

  • Lower project and operational risk by using proven technology

  • Reduce your operational cost by using an automated platform

  • Scale your solution across the globe

  • Ensure security - fit for the purpose

  • Stay flexible to tune your application to new market and customer needs

  • Keep your focus on perfecting your product and the digital user experience

The Cloud Connect solution consists of these main components; Device Connector, Communication Management and Information Mangement.

Device Connector

The Device Connector is a piece of software that simplifies communication with the cloud - just select what data to send and the Device Connector will send it in the best way. The software handles the connection to the cloud, re-connection, behavior in the network, security and optimization of data transmission. It can run in any operational system, or as a thread in the embedded application if no operational system is used. We continuously develop the Device Connector for optimized function, and implement it on selected partner hardware.

Communication management

Communications is the cornerstone in our solution. To support your global deployments, we have more than 400 mobile networks worldwide tied to our solution. We use the leading connectivity management platforms to provide you with full control. A combination of real-time network feeds, service diagnostics, and automation options ensures service reliability and reduced operational costs. We also interface with other communication technologies such as wi-fi, fixed or satellite, to use the best available communication for your specific needs.

Information Management

We are here to help you succeed and grow your connected solution. Information Management gives you both a data storage and processing engine as well as a device management tool that helps you keep track of all units, metadata and firmware. In addition it enables you to configure your access hierarchy, controlling who has access to each level of data and functionality.

To have a secure and simple interface to different applications Cloud Connect uses a Json REST-API as application interface. It works for bi-directional interaction with the devices. It is used for interfacing web-applications, smartphone apps, ERP-systems, etc.

To to get your web-application in place quickly, we have designed App Manager in Ruby on Rails. App Manager includes functions such as devices on a map, graphs, alarms, dashboard, etc. Use it to get a quick start, run tests, pilots and launch your first connected product!