IoT Products

Pay TV operators around the world are constantly looking for new ways to boost customer activity in this Multi Billion $ market, and to offer new compelling ways to interact with customers. A 2nd Screen experience offers an exciting way for customers to receive additional relevant information on products and perform instant activities like Mobile Payment, Voting, etc. DOVe offers a unique approach for creating a 2nd screen in mobile devices which are in the vicinity of TV by using the audio interface of every TV (speakers) and the microphone in each mobile.

DOVe offers a unique 2nd screen experience and a quick payment method for Pay TV customers.
Once a product is presented on the TV, DOVe’s ultra sonic technology can arouse a 2nd screen on mobile devices in the room. Customers can then browse on their mobile through the products spec and any other info.
It also allows the customer to pay for the product with a quick 1 click transaction on the mobile app. KEY BENEFITS
1. Allows a 2nd screen experience – offering additional info on product on the mobile screen
2. Allows a ‘1 click’ mobile payment – saving the hassle of calling and giving payment details
3. Software only integration to any Pay TV operator
4. Works on ANY Smartphone

Technical Specification

DOVe’s Software IP technology enables data transmission from the TV Speaker over an ultra sonic frequency (unheard) that is picked by mobile devices in the room and arouses a screen on the device. our solution includes:
 DOVe Mobile software development kit (SDK) for Android & iOS : enables any mobile application to become DOVe enabled for payment making within few easy steps.
 DOVe tool for producing ultra sonic code for product signature: enables Pay TV operators to become DOVe enabled by producing and adding a simple ultra sonic code parallel to their audio transmission.