IoT Products

Using its patent pending audio technology, DOVe's solution offers an in-store location push ads & coupons, or near TV, Radio or PC mobile push commercial notifications, creating a “call for action” for ads at the customer's mobile.

DOVe brings a new way to introduce relevant advertisements to customers:
1. In store – a customer passing near any store’s speakers can receive targeted push ads & coupons to his mobile
2. Near TV Radio or PC – a push add can be sent to any customer's mobile in front of a TV , Radio or PC KEY BENEFITS
DOVe offers a unique solution providing the following benefits:
1. Working on ANY smartphone
2. In-store push advertisements to mobile devices
3.Push advertisements to mobile devices in the proximity of TV , Radio or PC

Technical Specification

DOVe offers a Software IP technology supporting data transmission over any kind of audio medium. DOVe provides wireless connectivity between ANY close-by speaker and a customer's smartphone device. Our technology uses the existing mobile phone audio interface and the various speakers already positioned in many locations around us. It allows transmission of Ultra Sonic (Unheard by humans) push advertisements to mobile devices. DOVe's software development kit (SDK) provides retailers with an ability to create “on-the-fly” advertisements & coupons, while allowing mass media advertisers to send push 'call for action' notifications through TV, Radio or PC devices. These notifications are ‘played’ in the background, without disturbance to any media content originally tuned to play. DOVe's SDK provides also an effective diagnostics tool for advertisers. DOVe’s product offering includes:
- DOVe Mobile platform SDK (Android / iOS / Windows)
- DOVe Application for retailers & advertisers for creating & playing advertisements & diagnostics