IoT Products

DOVe offers a unique approach to mobile payments, utilizing the audio interface for mobile device and POS communication and interaction. DOVe brings a seamless user experience, high security, works on any mobile and is easily integrated into the POS.

From the customer's perspective, once ready to complete a transaction, the customer places his mobile device next to the POS. After receiving the audio signal from the POS his mobile receives a request to confirm the payment. Once the customer confirms the payment with a single click, an indication (visual and audible) that the transaction has been completed is presented on both mobile and POS and the customer is free to leave.


Technical Specification

DOVe's Software IP technology supports data transmission between the customer’s mobile device and the POS application, allowing authentication and transaction approval. DOVe’s solution includes:
- For End Customers - DOVe Mobile platform SDK (Android / iOS)
- For Retailer’s Tablet POS / PC POS - DOVe POS Software.
- For Credit Card Readers - DOVe POS Embedded Software.
Complementary to the above, DOVe provides its secure servers.