IoT Products

Application allows remote control functions via the web interface and feedback of data from the houses.
System works with control panel ESIM264 and special firmware.


Heating and water supply

Each house is equipped with thermo sensors. There are 3 temperature modes. One is low for the state when the house is not occupied, second when it is rented and the other for manual temperature override. The web interface can be used to switch between the low, high and override modes. For each house it is possible to individually preset the low temperature and the high temperature. If temperature drops below the lower limits for a long time, the system sends an alarm.
12 hours (this value can be changed for every house individually) before a house is rented the heating is automatically switched to “high”. The time when a rental period starts and stops is fed from the SQL database and is handled automatically.
Water boiler heating is turned on at the same time as the temperature is set to “high” mode.



Lights can be turned on or off manually from the web interface. Also lights could be turned on automatically at the same time as the water heater and turned off in the same manner. The on and off time will be read from the database.



The system allows for new rental periods to create a unique pass code which is terminated after the rental period ends. The customer must enter the pass code in the keypad to enter to the house. Main unit turns on/off electromagnetic lock controlling entry to the house. If user forgets their code the rental company can generate a new one.