IoT Products

The GPRS Upgrade & Deployment Server (UDS) offers sophisticated features for Upgrade & Deployment of a, typically a larger, number of units in operation. The UDS downloads the application (software) as well as the firmware thru the mobile network to units. This method is called "Firmware-over-the-air" (FOTA).

The UDS can be configured by the user to insure that the specified units are running the correct firmware and application. The UDS will automatically upgrade the units as requested and this task will even take place during full unit operation. Any interruption in an upgrade attempt will be automatically handled and resumed to avoid any waste of expensive bandwidth.

  • upgrades firmware and application automatically
  • uses the GPRS Gateway to establish a connection
    to remote units.
  • runs as a Windows Service. 
  • remote monitoring & configuration via Windows GUI tool.
  • firmware and application can be upgraded during full
    operation of the unit.
  • failed upgrade attempts will automatically be resumed at
    the point of interruption.
  • automatically or application driven decision when to
    switch over to the new application/firmware. 
  • up to 100 simultaneous upgrade sessions.
  • support applications that use VPL upgrade notifications
  • support for automatic programming of factory delivered units
  • comprehensive logging and status features.

Supported Products:

  • M2M Control C310 eco
  • M2M Control C350 pro
  • M2M Control C400
  • M2M Control C450 pro
  • M2M Control C500
  • M2M Control C600 pro
  • M2M Control C610 eco