IoT Products

Cardiac dysrhythmia and psychosomatic disorders often require intense medical care by the doctor. clue medical is a light cardiovascular recorder with integ-rated fixed stainless steel electrodes (no need to use adhesive electrodes) that record a one-channel ECG over a period of 120 seconds. clue then calculates heart rate, heart rate variability (HRV) and a multitude of cardiac parameters to monitor the heart activity. These values are shown - together with the current stress level - in a detailed report for doctors or an easy-to-grasp graphic representation for patients - for an optimal diagnosis and therapy control.

clue medical enables the patients themselves to carry out measurements anytime and anywhere. The report generated from each measurement can be
uploaded to the server directly from a PC with an in-ternet connection or via mobile phone (a mobile app is also available for BlackBerry, an Android-based app is in preparation). If desired, the physician (or other healthcare professional or relative) can receive the patient’s newly measured values directly by SMS and/or get the full report by e-mail. clue medical has been granted all important medical certifications (FDA, CE, TÜV, ISO Norm-IEC 60601-247:2001).

Technical Specification

  • Manageable, compact, light weight (70 g incl. battery) - measurements can be made anytime and anywhere
  • As easy as measuring body temperature - one button operated
  • 2-minute recording period
  • Stores 30 measurements
  • very high sampling rate with 1.000 Hz
  • Data transfer via infrared or Bluetooth
  • Data transfer to local computer or highly secure clue data server (via internet/mobile network)
  • For Windows (XP, Vista and 7), Mac OS X, BlackBerry (Android in preparation) and „Lead a Good Life-Connect“ which receives data by Bluetooth and transmits by mobile network
  • Simplified graphics and reports for patients, detailed analyses for doctors on PC, iPad and mobile phone in standard PDF format
  • Integration in hospital information system (HIS) and local hospital/clinic servers

clue medical product flyer