IoT Products

IoT already has an undeniable impact on today’s business world. The future will see entire industries fundamentally changed by the ever increasing amount of smart devices. By the year 2020, current estimations say, there will be approximately 30 billion connected devices in the market, with an economic value of up to US$ 3 trillion. IoT signifies not only a change, but also a chance: the swifter existing companies adapt their products, the sooner they can tap into new markets and revenues.

Technical Specification

Nymea is an open source IoT (Internet of Things) server, which allows to control a lot of different devices from many different manufacturers. With the powerful rule engine you are able to connect any device available in the system and create individual scenes and behaviours for your environment.

It's based on the Qt framework. We use Ionic for mobile hybrid apps and Angular for web interfaces. guhIO is available in the official Ubuntu snappy store.