IoT Products

Manage all your valuable assets; fixed, mobile or moveable. Collect useful usage data for preventive maintenance, or for usage-based billing and control.

Whether you need to manage and control your Machines, Tools, Tanks, Offices, Building, Apartments, Vehicles, Trucks, the Asset Management solution, based on the IOT Software Platform, will help youl:

  • Asset Management:All types. Identification, characteristics, maintenance cycle, repairs events ...
  • Operational Monitoring:Collect hours of use, the history of status, GPS location ...
  • Notifications:Be alerted in case of problems, like breakdowns, overuse, displacement outside a geographical area.
  • Dashboards & Export:Get Asset Usage and Status Reports. Transfer data to your back-end systems

 Using our Asset Management and Tracking solution, you will be able to easily:

  • Define and Manage all your assets. Define key characteristics, serial numbers, default location, person or department in charge, prices, colors, .
  • Manage the life cycle: Organize the life cycle of your assets, from scheduled maintenance activities, repair logs, history of events. Either collected from sensor data, entered manually, or automatically generated from a workflow.
  • Geolocalise your assets and track their movements. We can use various localization mechanisms (GPS, static location, network-based location, WIFI-based localization) to help you understand where your assets are located, and get notified when they enter or exit specific areas.
  • Advanced Notifications: Dealing with tens of thousands of assets may quickly become a nightmare. Our Smart Notification engine will analyze data, based on your criteria, to detect asset abnormal use or failure. It will also generate advanced Alerts based on usage information, taking into account the data history. Notifications are based on a workflow that will allow you to check that the right person has processed it in time.
  • Alerts Distribution: Alerts and Notifications may be triggered anytime. Depending on your configuration, you may rapidly be overwhelmed with emails. This is why we have introduced a Smart Distribution mechanism, where each user group, depending on their rights, will be able to specify the frequency of notifications (such as for example one summary report per day).


Technical Specification


  • Any device / Sensor
  • Any network (LoRa, SigFox, M2M, BLE, ZigBee, Z-Wave, Wifi...)


  • Web application 
  • Mobile Application
  • Complete set of JSON APIs