IoT Products

Manage your operational processes in real time, through accurate measurements collected at various critical points. Get Usage and Consumption data. Prevent failures, react rapidly to defects. Detect frauds and dangerous situations. 

Whether you need to measure electricity consumption, water consumption, energy (gasoil, gaz…) consumption. Or simply measure Temperature, Humidity, CO2 and micro-particles level evolutions, our Smart Metering solution, based on our IOT Software Platform, will deliver it. 

  • Collect measurements: Any type. Such as Temperature, Humidity, Energy Consumption, Fluid Volumes, Locations...
  • Process measurements: Retrieve indexes, consumptions, min, max... Aggregate them by day, week, month, year...
  • Notifications: Be alerted when something abnormal or critical is detected or measured.
  • Dashboard & Export: Develop your own Dashboards & Custom Reports. Transfer data to your back-end systems

 We understand that metering isn’t simple. Actually, it may be a complex process where measurements need to be collected from various points, and assembled using formulas to represent what it really means to you…

Using our Smart Metering solution, you will be able to easy:

  • Collect measurements, in Real Time, from various sensors, assemble those measurements, through mathematical formula, in order to produce the metering data that you are expecting. As an example, extracting warm water consumption may require to measure the volume of consumed water, as well as the difference of temperature upstream and downstream of the point of consumption in the pipe.
  • Consolidation of measurements: through a simple click, your measurements will be consolidated (both indexes and consumptions) by day, week, month and year. An fast and easy way to analyze the evolutions of your consumptions
  • Advanced Notifications: Dealing with tens of thousands of sensors may quickly become a nightmare. Our Smart Notification engine will analyze data, based on your criteria, to detect sensor failures or abnormal use. It will also generate advanced Alerts based on Index or Consumptions analysis, taking into account the data history. Notifications are based on a workflow that will allow you to check that the right person has processed it in time.
  • Alerts Distribution: Alerts and Notifications may be triggered anytime. Depending on your configuration, you may rapidly be overwhelmed with emails. This is why we have introduced a Smart Distribution mechanism, where each user group, depending on their rights, will be able to specify the frequency of notifications (such as for example one summary report per day).


Technical Specification


  • Any device / Sensor
  • Any network (LoRa, SigFox, M2M, BLE, ZigBee, Z-Wave, Wifi...)


  • Web application 
  • Mobile Application
  • Complete set of JSON APIs