IoT Products

The Midokura for Industry 4.0 Solution delivers the key capabilities to easily connect, secure and manage the growing number of connected devices and technologies. Using Midokura, Industrial Enterprises can now effectively leverage "Internet of Things" technologies for compeitive advantage, while at the same time improving security and realizing rapid gains in productivity and efficiency.

The Midokura for Industry 4.0 Solution can help your organization:

Use advanced network segmentation to reduce catastrophic breaches. Midokura creates virtualized network segments that help isolate users and devices from unauthorized access.

Automate the onboarding of new devices. Once paired with a new type of networking adapter, devices are automatically assigned custom security and flow parameters that dynamically follow the device wherever it is connected on the network.

Easily manage thousands of devices. Addressing one of the greatest challenges to an Industrial Internet of Things network, the mobility of devices, Midokura provides the location and status of all on-boarded devices in the network.

Assign flow priority by device and traffic type. Midokura uses Network Virtualization to program and manage granular flows on a per-device basis. 




















Technical Specification

Unlike traditional networks that were built for static environments, Midokura is built from the ground up to meet specific demands of modern IIOT environments. Midokura collects actionable data from all the connected devices, systems, processes and people, and delivers insights that organizations can use to increase productivity and efficiency while reducing costs.