IoT Services

Full Scope IoT

Full Scope IoT

Small to Medium Sized IoT development

Full Service Telemetry for Industrial Assets

Full Service Telemetry for Industrial Assets

We offer Full Service Telemetry solutions, Stand-Alone or integrated in your Corporate System.

Game Design & Development

Game Design & Development

Bridging the gap between creative and coding. Game developers you can trust to deliver.

Gateway Development Services

Gateway Development Services

SoftDEL has been helping global OEMs with their varied needs around gateway design and development.

GCF Certification Services

GCF Certification Services

We have been a member of GCF right from the start and participate actively in all GCF working groups such as the Steering Group, the Agreement Groups

Global IoT

Global IoT

Turn-key Global IoT connectivity Solutions that offer an API-based pay-as-you-grow model

Go-to-Market Strategy

Go-to-Market Strategy

Go-to-Market Strategy

Hardware and Firmware

Hardware and Firmware

Hardware and Firmware

Hardware Design Services

Hardware Design Services

Kaynes has good amount of experience in embedded product development life-cycle in various platforms like Qualcomm, NXP (Freescale), Marvell, Texas Instruments, Broadcom chipsets and Micro controllers.

Hardware Solutions

Hardware Solutions

Mobile Devices - Handsets, Tablets, Routers, other Mobile Devices



Worksent enables MSPs to extend their support coverage by leveraging our helpdesk service, available 24/7, including holidays and weekends. Our support eliminates the challenges of setting up on-call or extended shifts for techs, reducing the risk of tech

HMI Design and Application Development

HMI Design and Application Development

SoftDEL helps industrial OEMs across all phases, right from HMI conceptualization to HMI implementation and testing.