IoT Companies

Power your Internet of Things with the Digital Business Platform of Software AG. All the data in the world is of little value if you don’t know what questions you are trying to answer or what opportunities you are trying to seize. The magnificence of the IoT lies not in its sheer volume of data and connections but in the timely access to the right data to accomplish goals more reliably, effectively and efficiently.

Software AG empowers customers to innovate, differentiate and win in the digital world. Its products help companies combine existing systems on-premise and in the cloud into a single platform to optimize and digitize their businesses. The combination of process management, data integration and real-time analytics in one Digital Business Platform enables customers to drive operational efficiency, modernize their systems and optimize processes for smarter decision-making.
Building on over 45 years of customer-centric innovation, Software AG is ranked a leader in many innovative IT categories. Software AG has more than 4,300 employees in 70 countries and had total revenues of €873 million in 2015.


Software AG, Headquarters Building, Darmstadt, Germany



The Software AG Group consists of three strategic segments: the product related business divisions Digital Business Platform (DBP) and Adabas & Natural (A&N) as well as the service division Consulting.



Digital Business Platform (DBP)
The digital revolution is disrupting business operations like never before, requiring a digital transformation. Conventional business applications cannot keep pace with new demands and challenges. This change requires a new generation of business applications based on agility, flexibility and speed—digital business applications.
Software AG offers the world’s first Digital Business Platform that provides the foundation to build digital applications and for managing digital change in processes and IT. Organizations can combine systems on premises and in the cloud onto this single platform. The unique combination of process, data integration and real-time analytics in one comprehensive middleware platform enables enterprises to drive operational efficiency, modernize systems and optimize processes for smarter decisions and better service. The platform spans software for business & IT transformation, analytics & decisions, processes, integration and in-memory data management.

Adabas & Natural (A&N)
With our Adabas & Natural business line, Software AG has played a vital role in the IT application landscapes of companies and government agencies around the world for over four decades.  Optimized for mission-critical transaction data, our Adabas Database Management System provides high-performance and reliable database processing for enterprise applications.  Adabas achieves sub-second response times even when demand is extraordinary, delivering extremely high transaction levels—more than 1 million commands per second—with a fraction of the staff and resources needed for a comparable relational database management system.   
Software AG’s Natural Application Development language enables rapid development and deployment of enterprise applications that meet the demands of mission-critical businesses – leveraging agile development capabilities based on EclipseTM.  
Adabas and Natural run on mainframe and Linux®, UNIX® and Windows® platforms.  For modernizing mainframe applications, our Adabas & Natural modernization platform can help to easily change green screen applications into web applications, provide access to core applications from mobile devices and allow integration with other packaged or cloud applications, as well as business intelligence or big data environments. These capabilities give the customer the option to seamlessly adapt Software AG’s Digital Business Platform to increase the value and agility of core applications. Proven for decades and optimized for the digital enterprise, customers can rely on Adabas & Natural for all their enterprise-class business needs.  

Global Consulting Services (GCS) is an integral component of our solution portfolio that complements every one of our product areas. The consulting experts implement customer-specific solutions based on our own products and deliver additional operating advantages for our customers and their business. The portfolio includes consulting and design for digital business strategies, implementation services, education and training as well as cloud services for our products. As a key business unit at Software AG, the GCS team positions itself above other IT service providers through the most comprehensive product expertise in the market, which can be traced back to close collaboration with development departments and a strong customer-centric approach.

IT transformation to the digital enterprise is one current focus in GCS. The most important drivers for IT transformation projects are existing, very complex IT structures, the need for modernization even with application landscapes developed in-house as well as the resulting high costs for maintaining existing IT systems. Transformation programs shake the foundations of a company’s business processes and IT architectures, because only the transformation of the existing business and IT architecture enables extensive development and deep differentiation from the competition. The far-reaching implications that an IT transformation can have for a company is driving a strong demand for consulting. Accordingly, the goal of Software AG’s consulting is to generate added value for our customers’ business and enable them to set themselves apart from the masses in the digital world. 


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Software/Service Delivery Platform developers & vendors

Company Name:

Software AG
Uhlandstr. 12

Bart Schouw
Director IOT solutions