IoT Companies

#1 M2M Carrier in North America, 2nd Globally --Anlysys Mason 2011 M2M Scorecard

Sprint has been in the machine-to machine (M2M) business for more than a decade and there are well over one million M2M devices operating on our Sprint networks. How does Sprint help innovators capitalize on this explosive market to move the m2m industry forward?  By investing in the resources and approach it takes to be successful in this fast-paced industry. 

At the basis of our approach to M2M is our ONE philosophy.  ONE – an acronym for Open, Network, and Execution – is a cohesive approach that enables us to provide an Open ecosystem to help companies rapidly develop and launch new M2M devices and applications.  We believe that in order foster a truly successful development atmosphere, you must have open standards, open applications and devices, and a focus on creative problem solving. 

Another big way in which we deliver on our Open philosophy?  The Sprint M2M Collaboration Center – a cutting-edge workshop in which innovators can work together in an optimal development environment. This facility brings together all the players necessary to launch innovative M2M ideas: application developers, device manufacturers, distributors, designers, and integrators. More about the Sprint M2M Collaboration Center.    

Have you heard about Sprint Command Center?  It’s another way that Sprint is advancing M2M.  Command Center is an online portal that allows businesses to control m2m provisioning, billing, device and service management – all from one centralized and secure location. With Sprint Command Center, businesses can implement many automated or on-the-fly device management features for a single device or thousands of devices. More about Sprint Command Center

When it comes to the Network, Sprint’s 4G technology delivers a fast, dependable experience even on a network with millions of users. Sprint 4G is an asset when it comes to tackling massive data usage and streaming video. In addition to bringing the first and ever-expanding 4G network, Sprint offers customers a dependable CDMA network, which enables companies to meet their individual data needs.***

Lastly, Sprint provides unrivaled Execution with more than 10 years’ experience bringing M2M initiatives to market quickly and successfully. Sprint has a wide portfolio of solutions for a host of devices across a broad range of industry verticals including healthcare and wellness, public safety, sustainability, and connected transportation.

Sprint’s commitment to an open development philosophy, a wide portfolio of networks, an ecosystem of partners and strength in bringing m2m products and solutions to market are just a portion of what makes the company such an attractive M2M partner. To learn more about Sprint and get details on how Sprint is helping companies develop and deploy tomorrow‘s technology today, visit

 * ABI Research, Dec/2010 ** ABI Research, 08/2010

*** First wireless 4G network from a national carrier.

Sprint 4G is available in over 70 markets and

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Company Name:

Sprint Parkway
Overland Park
United States

Carla Meyer
Marketing Manager
913 439 4420