IoT Companies

VI Agents 6D(tm) Software empowers our partners and clients to rapidly configure & deploy amazing M2M enabled business innovations, apps and services

VI Agents is an Independent Software Vendor that has provided significant thought and end-to-end system solution design leadership through the development, deployment, and use of its information-based M2M real-time business process automation, intelligence, and innovations software platform.  The 6D Software Platform(tm) ('6D(tm)') is highly differentiated in the marketplace and is delivering a leap in buyer value to our downstream channel partners and ultimate end users.

VI Agents provides its software as a "true SaaS" solution available via a private cloud service hosted by VI Agents or our downstream channel partners or deployed in an enterprise data center.

6D is multi-purpose, highly configurable and may be applied to almost any M2M use case scenario in any industry.  6D supports a variety of edge devices, sensors, and edge technologies.  M2M technologies provide 6D with an understanding of what is happening in the physical world.  6D fuses together multiple data feeds from multiple backend enterprise applications as well as value network stakeholders and participants and their systems to understand what should be happening and the business context required to provide real-time situational awareness, adaptive system behavior, real-time actionable business intelligence, and insightful analytics.  

Our customers are implementing game-changing new business and service innovations that were simply not previously possible or practical to implement.  Client-specific business rules, algorithms, and services are easily configured, enhanced, and deployed in less time and in a more comprehensive and flexible manner than previously possible.  The clarity, insight, and visibility of a 6D-powered solution also provides "edge-based" business and operational business process and workflow automation and improvement across value networks.  This type of inter and intra-organizational operational collaboration empowers our partners and clients to implement new business solution and service innovations that generate new business value, insights, and operational excellence.

VI Agents value proposition is simple.  By leveraging our 6D Software Platform and VI Agents and partner professional services our partners and clients accomplish more in less time with minimal risk and generate significantly higher new business value in terms of revenues and profits.  Our partners and clients better serve their customers by delivering highly differentiated new business products and services that increase brand value and customer loyalty.  Quite simply, we are value innovation agents that deliver software products, solutions, and services to help you rapidly achieve your business objectives.

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VI Agents, LLC

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VI Agents, LLC
5700 Granite Parkway Suite 200
United States

Tim Shideler

+1 214 3876004