IoT Companies

Salesforce for IoT in small and medium sized businesses.

Sensee is Salesforce for IoT in small and medium sized businesses - IoTaaS. A one stop shop for instantaneous deployment of plug-and-play IoT solutions tailored to SMB needs - solving real pain points, enabling data-driven decision making, improving operational efficiency, and increasing earnings.

Our solutions are modular, flexible and scalable so that businesses pick and choose the solutions they need when they need them - with inexpensive monthly pay-as-you-grow pricing and no big upfront capital expenditures. Plug-and-play means no internal tech team development required, and that businesses can immediately see tangible business benefits now, rather than in months or years.

The Sensee platform consists of:

  • Products: sensors that monitor the underlying "things"​, record the data, and store the data in the cloud. Real-time and historical data is presented in visual formats, making business decisions and task management easy.
  • Services: business intelligence (BI) analytics & applications make sense of the data and take Sensee products to the next level. Imagine predictive equipment maintenance and repair, automated supply chain and inventory management, resource optimization, automated decision making, real-time demand forecasting and personalized customer relationship management.
  • App Store: a comprehensive partner ecosystem for external business intelligence apps, analytics & tools.
  • Integrations: with external data sources and business systems.
  • End-to-End Solutions: pre-configured combinations of products & services tailored to verticals, customer type, physical setting or business use case.

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Company Name:

Alfheim 26

Danielle Glenn