IoT Products

MONEYTOR, based on the BITX technology, is a ready-to-use telemetry system for the Vending industry. It can be interfaced with all the machines and payment systems of the major manufacturers worldwide, making the data collected from the machines available online. 

It allows measuring sales and takings, monitoring alarms and verifying the operation of every machine, in realt time 24/7, from any web-enabled PC. These information support vending operators to speed up the decision-making process and make the business management easier and more efficient.

MONEYTOR consists of three main parts:

1) the Vending Box, a remote processing unit, with a GSM/GPRS engine connected to the VM and/or payment system

2) the MONEYTOR system, collecting data from VM and/or payment system

3) a user interface for the VM management: a web application or the preferred management system

For more information, please download our brochure and visit our website:

Technical Specification

In details, MONEYTOR allows its users to: 

  1. Manage the data of the entire set of machines, following grouping criteria by area, client, point of sale and VM
  2. Visualize sales data and sales graphics for each machine
  3. Visualize the alarms originating from each installed vending machine after each malfunction, or once having reached a low-stock level
  4. Configure e-mail notifications by different parameters
  5. Monitor the VM takings, that is the cash status (coins and banknotes) within each machine, as well as the cash withdrawals management 

The MONEYTOR offering includes both the hardware, the Vending Box, and the software, used in "service" mode (SaaS - Software as a Service) and based on three different levels - Premium, Advanced, Basic - with different functionalities.

For more information, please download our brochure and visit our website:
