MindTree provides complete engineering & enablement services on popular public clouds like Amazon Web Services,Google AppEngine and MS Azure services.
In our TIER 3 data center we ensure reliable internet connection, redundant electricity supply, climate control system, and physical protection.
Desk, Office Equipment Monitoring Data Center Equipment Monitoring
The solution for integrated energy management in buildings and renewable energy site installations.
Accelerating businesses and building innovative solutions to make peoples' life easier is what Machine 2 Machine is all about. To start connecting a b
Data Center Equipment Monitoring ATM, Toll Collection, Fleet Management, Pet Tracking, Personal Navigation Devices, Mobile Patient Monitoring, Police, Remote Asset Management, Telehealth, Water and Air Pollution Monitoring, Stolen Vehicle Tracking, POS Terminals, Street Lighting Vending Machines
iBeacon-enabled Mobile App Pumping up the Traditional Sales Process
Mana Projects is Indian based Construction Company.
Contexta-CARE is a sophisticated, yet easy to use system, which enables close monitoring of a person as well as the environment where the person lives
Vending Machines Home Automation, Telehealth, Mobile Patient Monitoring, Remote Control, Home Monitoring Systems, Home Awareness Remote Control
Cloud Internet-based SCADA service for automation remote monitoring and control
Remote Control Process Control, Pipeline Monitoring, Irrigation, Pumps, Lighting Remote Control
Web app, mobile app, API & infrastructure testing