LoRaWAN Operated Low Power Differential Pressure Transmitter With Built-in Temperature Sensor for Pressure and Flow Measurement of Gas Media
NB IoT - Cat-M1 Operated Low Power Differential Pressure Transmitter With Built-in Temperature Sensor for Pressure and Flow Measurement of Gas Media
only 35 grams, the Picotrack is presently the smallest complete GSM-/ GPS tracking device in its class
Industrial Machinery Gateway MODBUS via RS485 and Ethernet - Quick Start Kit With Telit Connectivity SIM Card, Telit Portal cloud access 30 days free, antennas and interface cables.
The Pix-Cell is a high performance, programmable Cellular Single Board Controller, that offers built-in I/O combined with GSM/GPRS module.
Detectors , Pumps, Security / Surveillance, Tank Monitoring, HVAC, Warehousing, Access Control, Mining, Office Equipment Monitoring, Remote Control, Irrigation, Refrigeration Monitoring, Lighting Home Awareness
Up to 3 years battery life on our new GPS asset tracker.
NB IoT - Cat-M1 Operated Low Power Level Transmitter for Corrosive Liquid Media
NB IoT - Cat-M1 Operated Low Power Level Transmitter for Liquid Media with Built-in GPS Tracker
LoRaWAN Operated Low Power Level Transmitter With Narrow Sensor Head for Liquid Media
NB IoT - Cat-M1 Operated Low Power Level Transmitter With Narrow Sensor Head for Liquid Media
Plug and Play GPS Tracker with Live Realtime Tracking
Janus Remote Communications has expanded its highly successful Terminus platform offerings of GSM/GPRS, EDGE, CDMA, UMTS and HSPA+ devices.
LoRaWAN Operated IP68 Low Power Floating Level Transmitter for Water Resource Management