The Lead a Good Life BPBS allows to measure blood sugar and blood pressure and transmit the encrypted measurements via GPRS or Bluetooth (Continua).
Personal GPS Tracker - Real Time Tracking Device - 5000mAh Battery - Free App and Data SIM
Personal GPS Tracker - Strong Signal Strength - Tracking Devices for kids Free App and Data SIM
Letstrack Bike Series
Portable Plug & Play Real Time GPS Trackers for Vehicle's OBD Port - Multiple Car Tracking Device
Limmex watches (various models available)
When your tracker is delivered to you it will already be activated on our sever and ready for you to take advantage of the 12 months live tracking that is included with the package.
Personal Security Devices Personal Security Devices Personal Security Devices
This bundle contains a self-contained GPS tracker, when it arrives with you it will already be fully activated and you will receive one month’s live tracking
Find Actionable Context in Log Data across Infra using log management tool
Simple iPhone application to help you avoid the hassle and frustration of forgetting to pay the London Congestion Zone Charge
Personal Security Devices Traffic Information, Auto ID, Rental Car Personal Navigation Devices
Long distance wireless module lora 868 sx1276