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Search results for: technology

QR payments hit pay dirt!

Scanning a QR code to make a payment is somewhat incongruous in countries like the United Kingdom, but it’s exploding elsewhere. This technology, originally developed in Japan, has captured the Chinese and Indian markets, and the rest of the world is starting to pay attention. (more…)

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October 9, 2018

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

5th Smart Cities India 2019 expo

Event date: 22-24 May
Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, India


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Posted by: IoT global network

Cool IoT Use Cases: Vital role for mission-critical communications over LTE

Market Overview

The transportation and mining industries rely on advanced communication technologies. Mission-critical communication over LTE enables push-to-talk, push-to-video, text and multimedia chat, as well as location information. (more…)

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Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Connecting clouds – Have your (layer) cake and eat it, too

Cloud Computing offers businesses many benefits, not in cost savings – that myth has been well and truly busted – but in flexibility of deployment and responsiveness to changing business demands. (more…)

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October 8, 2018

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Global graphical cloud desktop service launched by IMSCAD

IMSCAD, a global provider of virtualised graphics technology, is partnering with IT services provider PhoenixNAP. (more…)

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Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Versa driving trend toward secure multi-cloud/SD-WAN services, according to new analyst report by Futuriom

Versa Networks – the company behind a software platform that integrates cloud, networking and security services – is highlighted as a key market driver for its Secure Cloud IP architecture by analyst Futuriom. (more…)

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October 3, 2018

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Wi-SUN launches FAN Certification Program for large-scale, outdoor IoT networks

The Wi-SUN Alliance, a global ecosystem of member companies seeking to accelerate the implementation of open standards-based Field Area Networks (FAN) and the Internet of Things (IoT), (more…)

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Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Estonia’s first 5G network to go live at TalTech University

TeliaEricsson and Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) have joined forces to launch Estonia’s first 5G network by the end of 2018. The pilot network will be operated on the campus of TalTech and companies and startups will be invited to help develop future services and new business models.


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October 2, 2018

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Users failed by VPN security and performance, but SD-WANs no option for industrial IoT. So where next?

Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) have significant security and performance drawbacks for use in networking cloud applications. This was the start-point for a recent survey and primary research by industry analysts, Futuriom, that (spoiler alert) leads the firm to conclude that Application Specific Networking (ASN) may be a way forward. (more…)

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October 1, 2018

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Huawei and Intel complete the Standalone first call in China’s Third-Phase 5G R&D test

In the third phase of China’s 5G technology R&D trial organised by China’s IMT-2020 (5G) promotion group, Huawei and Intel jointly completed the SA (Standalone) First Call test based on the latest 3GPP Rel-15 2018 June specs, thus completing the entire process of the 3GPP R15 protocol. (more…)

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Posted by: Anasia D'mello