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Search results for: software

Bright Pattern selected by IT-Communications to drive Digital Transformation with top AI solution

IT-Communications Inc., a business process outsourcing (BPO) provider with a number of locations throughout Japan, has selected Bright Pattern Contact Centre software to fuel the digital transformation of its clients’ customer relationships. (more…)

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February 12, 2019

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Cujo AI and AirTies announce Alliance to provide cybersecurity and smart Wi-Fi solutions to network operators

Cujo AI, an award-winning network security and intelligence company that provides AI-driven protection, privacy and device management solutions, and AirTies, the most widely deployed provider of managed in-home Wi-Fi solutions to global service providers, (more…)

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Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Integrated PCB antenna option added to NINA-B3 Bluetooth low energy modules by u-blox

u-blox, a global provider of positioning and wireless communication technologies, reports that its NINA-B3 series of stand-alone Bluetooth 5 low energy modules now includes the NINA-B306/316 modules with integrated PCB antenna. (more…)

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February 11, 2019

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Prepare for the next wave of disruption by disrupting what’s already there

“Continuous everything” is…everything in today’s business world. Continuous delivery, continuous quality, continuous service, and everything that goes into providing those in this age of the customer are paramount to every successful enterprise. (more…)

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February 8, 2019

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Faculty launches a mission ‘make AI real’ to help the organisation

A new AI brand, Faculty, has launched to help organisations make Artificial Intelligence real. Faculty is the new brand identity for one of the UK’s independent AI companies, ASI Data Science, and brings together its distinct offering of strategy, software and skills; all three of which are needed for organisations to apply AI in the real world today. (more…)

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February 7, 2019

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Nubeva and Garland Technology launch partnership to deliver public cloud network packets to IT teams and tools

Nubeva Technologies Ltd, a cloud visibility SaaS software developer for enterprises with public cloud assets, announced a partnership agreement with Garland Technology, a manufacturer of network test access points and packet broker solutions. (more…)

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February 6, 2019

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Improving the home Wi-Fi experience is key to the future of operators

Subscribers are becoming more demanding every day when it comes to the quality of their Wi-Fi connection at home. As the number and sophistication of connected devices increases exponentially and can be found in more parts of our homes, an optimal connection that provides the highest possible speed is more important than ever.  (more…)

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Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Kerlink licenses Low-Power IoT reference design solution to provider of connected objects

Kerlink, a specialist in solutions for the Internet of Things (IoT), and Kaertech, a global provider of made-to-order connected objects, reportthat Kaertech has licensed Kerlink’s Low Power IoT (LPIoT) Reference Design solution to design and manufacture LoRa devices for its customers. (more…)

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February 5, 2019

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

McCormick & Company and IBM collaborate to make use of Artificial Intelligence in Flavor and ood product development

McCormick & Company, Inc, a global provider in flavor, and IBM publicly announced their ongoing research collaboration to pioneer the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for flavor and food product development. (more…)

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February 4, 2019

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

4th IoT Global Innovation Forum

Event date: 9-10 July, 2019
Chicago, USA

The 4th IoT Global Innovation Forum 2019 brings together leading technology innovators, business strategists and developers from around the world for two days of focused networking and information sharing at the IoT cutting edge. Expert speakers will discuss the latest applications for traditional commercial processes as well as new business models and opportunities within the emerging Internet of Things ecosphere. (more…)

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February 1, 2019

Posted by: IoT global network