The explosion in internet-connected devices has opened up a world of possibilities in ways that we might never have anticipated. But have these new capabilities and leaps forward in connectivity come at the expense of security, asks Amit Sethi, the principal consultant at Cigital. (more…)
November 16, 2015
Posted by: George Malim
Amit Sethi, principal consultant, has been with Cigital since 2004. He specialises in mobile security, online game security and cryptography. Sethi’s work includes extracting cryptographic keys from embedded devices using side-channel attacks, designing mechanisms to make those attacks more difficult, and designing a format-preserving encryption algorithm based on well-studied cryptographic primitives for a Fortune 500 company. Even in his free time, Sethi enjoys reverse engineering binaries, analyzing open source software, and experimenting with new technologies.
His words of security wisdom are: Just because you don’t know of any security incidents in your software/environment doesn’t mean that you haven’t had any security incidents – especially if you don’t have good monitoring controls in place.
Posted by: IoT global network
Event date: May 11-13, 2016
New Delhi, India
Smart Cities India 2016 exhibition and conference will be held at Pragati Maidan, New Delhi, during 11-13 May 2016. The expo will connect exhibitors and speakers with government administrators, municipal bodies, industry leaders, investors, etc., who have interest in developing smart cities. (more…)
November 2, 2015
Posted by: IoT global network
The evolution of smart, connected and autonomous products is reshaping the manufacturing industry and its ecosystem. The convergence of operational technology and information technology is opening a completely new axis, and a large one at that, for creating path breaking innovations and opportunities in the manufacturing ecosystem. (more…)
October 29, 2015
Posted by: Sudip Singh
Agriculture is very important for the UK economy. The whole agrifood market is worth £96 billion per annum, or 7% of GDP. The sector employs 3.8 million people. Food and drink remains the UK’s biggest manufacturing sector, bigger than cars and aerospace combined. (more…)
October 26, 2015
Posted by: Saverio Romeo
The two top dog SDK companies for augmented reality (AR) have both been purchased this year, writes Matthew Duke-Wooley, a market analyst at Beecham Research. (more…)
October 19, 2015
Posted by: Matthew Duke-Woolley
The UK transport infrastructure is under pressure like never before. With congestion costing the UK economy £8bn a year, delays present a genuine economic threat, and new transformative capabilities are required, writes Alison Vincent, the chief technology officer of Cisco UK & Ireland. (more…)
October 16, 2015
Posted by: Alison Vincent
Lets face it. Right down to the terminology you use, navigating the wearables space is challenging. (more…)
October 6, 2015
Posted by: Claire Duke-Woolley
Event date: November 24-25, 2015
Luna Park Sydney, Australia
Australian Utility Week is the region’s largest conference and exhibition for energy retailers, distributors and water utilities focusing on the latest approaches, technologies and solutions to improve electricity and water networks’ efficiency in a cost-efficient, environmentally and customer friendly way. (more…)
October 2, 2015
Posted by: IoT global network
In the first part of this blog I explained how IoT is being elevated from a home to a work environment, and the benefits it can bring. IoT is definitely the big promise of the future, but what interests me even more is the manner in which IoT is already being used today as a new spark in business right now. (more…)
Posted by: Sukamal Banerjee