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Search results for: environment

How Smart, Connected Products Are Transforming Companies

The November 2014 Harvard Business Review article, How Smart, Connected Products Are Transforming Competition, examines how smart, connected products are transforming competition in many industries, especially manufacturing. (more…)

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September 11, 2015

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juniper logo

IoT will see active 5G connections to reach 240m by 2025

A new report from Juniper Research forecasts rapid adoption for 5G from 2025 onwards, with active connections representing a threefold increase from 2024 to reach 240 million by then. However, this will represent a very limited global reach, accounting for approximately 3% of global mobile connections. (more…)

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September 8, 2015

Posted by: George Malim

New GlobalPlatform specification enables dynamic connection between servers within an ecosystem

The NFC ecosystem in particular is set to benefit from new technology which lays foundation for dynamic discovery and dialogue between multiple servers   (more…)

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September 1, 2015

Posted by: George Malim

New standards for M2M and the IoT

M2MAPPS: Can you summarize the ITU’s M2M and IoT activities as well as your role? (more…)

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August 9, 2015

Posted by: IoT global network

Making M2M safe and secure

M2MAPPS: Cellular networks are not secure unless they are private and managed. Can you substantiate that statement? It comes from a Wyless article.

STEVE BOYD: No network is safe and secure unless it’s privately managed in some way. You’re not going to allow workstations and application servers to connect to the Internet when the only protection is their own on-machine firewalls so why should cellular devices be any different? (more…)

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August 7, 2015

Posted by: IoT global network

IoT Solutions World Congress

Event date: September 16-18, 2015
Gran Via, Barcelona

The IOT Solutions World Congress (September 16 to 18, 2015) is the first global event dedicated exclusively to joining IoT providers with industry in order to help the latter increase productivity via this disruptive technology. (more…)

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August 6, 2015

Posted by: IoT global network

Robin Duke-Woolley

IoT Security: Are We Ready for Billions of Connected Devices?

There is a lot of focus on IoT security right now and many claims of complete end-to-end solutions. In general, though, these solutions are essentially unique to each individual supplier and often built with relatively small numbers of connected devices in mind – perhaps a few tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands at most for a single enterprise user. (more…)

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September 5, 2014

Posted by: IoT global network

Robin Duke-Woolley

The Future’s Bright for Business Use of Wearable Technology

There is a tendency to think of Wearable Technology as directed entirely at the consumer market. This is not the case though. Increasingly, Wearable Technology is being used as part of business processes as well. Why? (more…)

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July 9, 2014

Posted by: IoT global network

A unique look at the market

M2MAPPS: Rod: Multi-Tech has an interesting and unusual portfolio: lots of pre-certified products as well as professional and manufacturing services. How do you distill it down into a clear, concise offer?

ROD LANDERS: It’s very simple. Our products are platforms that allow companies to deliver M2M services in very short time frames. We have a comprehensive portfolio of pre-certified end devices and that allows us to match an off-the-shelf product with the functionality of the service that the company is designing. (more…)

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April 29, 2014

Posted by: IoT global network

A smarter way to save energy

M2MAPPS: Avner: Greenlet Technologies markets a “demand response” solution that is sold to utilities and power aggregators. Can you outline the core functionality?

AVNER COHEN : Our demand response solution allows both utilities and consumers to control and monitor the energy that’s used by their appliances. (more…)

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January 14, 2014

Posted by: IoT global network