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Search results for: data security

If an attack is successfully monetised, expect similar attacks to follow: Some preventive security steps

Adversaries are constantly evolving. Success breeds copy-cats. And security is multifaceted. These are some of the key lessons Jeremy Cowan takes away from talking to Ted Harrington, executive partner, Independent Security Evaluators. (more…)

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July 19, 2017

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

A random look at IoT security

The traditional concept of a corporate security perimeter has been fading slowly for at least a decade. The cloud put it on life support and the IoT will kill it off for good. The IoT presents a whole new set of challenges and on a completely different scale. (more…)

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July 11, 2017

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

Transatel pleads for new pillars of IoT security

On May 22nd 2017, the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) issued a position paper raising this very issue of IoT security. Together with major actors of the semiconductor industry (Infineon, NXP, STMicroelectonics), the agency warned of a “market failure” in IoT security so far: it’s important to act now. (more…)

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July 10, 2017

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

Where are OTA and in-car data management heading in your car?

Industry projections for over-the-air (OTA) vehicle data management suggest the technology could save automakers US$35 billion over the next five years. That’s a big claim. (more…)

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July 5, 2017

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

Fight against cybercrime shows wins and losses in 2017 Trustwave global security report

Trustwave has released the 2017 Trustwave Global Security Report which reveals the top cybercrime, data breach and security threat trends from 2016. (more…)

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June 22, 2017

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

IZO Private Cloud footprint expanded in EMEA and APAC by Tata Communications to meet data sovereignty concerns

Tata Communications, a provider of network, cloud and security services, has launched three new nodes for its IZO™ Private Cloud service to support enterprises’ hybrid cloud adoption while ensuring regulatory compliance. (more…)

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June 20, 2017

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

Guiding principles for IoT privacy and security issued by ACM public policy groups

The ACM US Public Policy Council (USACM) and the ACM Europe Council Policy Committee (EUACM) have released a Statement on IoT Privacy and Security addressing existing and expected privacy and security concerns in the Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem. (more…)

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June 5, 2017

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

Future-proofing IoT architectures for fast data processing

Technology market researchers forecast that by 2020 connected devices and things will exceed 20 billion. The data volume generated by this mass will dwarf the current big data produced primarily by social networks. (more…)

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May 31, 2017

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

SECURIOT-2 project aims to bring security to the IoT with Tiempo Secure as project leader

The SECURIOT-2 project just obtained the recognition of the French government Fonds Unique Interministériel (FUI) – Régions, dedicated to financing projects supported by industry clusters (Pôles de Compétitivité). (more…)

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May 29, 2017

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

Scrutinise Research addresses serious security concerns in the ‘Wild West’ IoT

Scrutinise Research and Analysis has launched its Securing the Internet of Things report highlighting the security risks present in the Internet of Things (IoT). (more…)

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May 18, 2017

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil