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Search results for: cyber threats

IoT security – it’s a job for PAM

According to a recent Gartner report, 43% of organisations are using, or plan to implement, an Internet of Things (IoT) policy by the end of this year, writes William Culbert, the director of solutions engineering EMEA at Bomgar. (more…)

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April 21, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

IoT isn’t designed with safety in mind

The Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to rapidly transform the workplace, writes Simon Heron, the CTO of Redscan. Companies that are investing in new technologies have started to experience improvements in business efficiency and competitiveness. As the IoT expands, protecting a company’s data and intellectual property (IP) will become more important than ever. (more…)

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April 11, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Secure enterprise networks in the age of BYOD and the IoT

When something is invisible, exercise caution and do all you can to reveal it and render it harmless. That’s the lesson the human race has learned from infectious micro-organisms—in many cases, the hard way. In enterprises today, writes Rob Greer, the chief marketing officer and senior vice president of products at ForeScout Technologies, where devices are constantly gaining access to networks sight unseen, fear of the invisible is certainly justifiable. But the good news is, IT administrators can put those fears to rest with currently available network access technologies that can largely “disinfect” the environment by making the invisible visible. (more…)

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March 30, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

IoT privacy must be built around the individual

A couple of years ago, Europe told Google to allow people to opt out of their search results, striking a blow for privacy. It was an important step, writes Juan Carlos Zuñiga, the principal engineer at InterDigital, but the increasing role of internet technology in our daily lives makes the broader matter of privacy more important than ever – and one that is growing in importance. The Internet of Things raises unique challenges. (more…)

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March 15, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Five steps to better industrial security – Part Two

Reinhard Mayr, the product manager of COPA-DATA continues his discussion of the five vital steps any manufacturer can take to improve the security of connected automated systems. (more…)

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March 14, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Five steps to better industrial security – Part One

According to the Global State of Information Security Survey 2016, 38% more security incidents were detected in 2015 than the previous year. As a result, industrial businesses across the world are implementing new strategies to improve security. Reassuringly, 91% of survey respondents have a risk-based security framework in place, but the most cited source of compromise still lies with employees. Rather than jumping to the conclusion that these compromises are intentional, consider how much the usual employee actually knows about keeping your system safe. (more…)

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March 10, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Don’t get caught with your IoT exposed – Part Two

In the second part of his blog on IoT security, Rob Greer, the chief marketing officer and senior vice president of products at ForeScout Technologies explains how organisations can stay ahead of the IoT invasion. (more…)

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January 12, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

IoT for critical infrastructure raises the security stakes

By connecting everything to the internet, the Internet of Things (IoT) promises to revolutionise the way we live, writes Tobias Zillner, the snior IS Auditor at Cognosec. The temptation to bring the latest technological advances to critical infrastructure is understandable – indeed, the optimisation of infrastructure is perhaps where the IoT has the most revolutionary potential. (more…)

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January 7, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Security and collaboration will drive IoT adoption

We recently saw the Internet Society (ISOC) calling for more standards to be adopted within the Internet of Things, writes Manfred Kube, the head of M2M segment and offer marketing at Gemalto. Releasing a whitepaper discussing the issues and challenges of IoT, the ISOC is urging vendors and users of IoT devices and systems both have a collective obligation to ensure they do not expose IoT stakeholders, and the internet itself, to potential harm. (more…)

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December 27, 2015

Posted by: George Malim

IoT and security: Hype, hysteria or cause for concern?

Any new technology is bound to have its share of challenges and barriers — for example the initial security concerns around cloud computing — and the Internet of Things (IoT) is no different, writes Mary Beth Hall, the director of product management and development at Verizon. IoT currently connects millions of devices, and our commissioned research predicts there’ll be more than five billion IoT devices by 2020. (more…)

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December 21, 2015

Posted by: George Malim