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How will IoT manage everything?

IT is no longer the sole guardian of technology in the business. From IP enabled turnstiles to smart manufacturing systems that continuously monitor and optimise performance and smart buildings with IP connected environmental controls, the Internet of Everything (IoE) is slowly but inexorably expanding across every business environment, writes John Pepper, the chief executive and founder of Managed 24/7.

Right now, however, these deployments remain completely separate from the core business network – and IT has little or no visibility of IoE deployments.  While companies are gaining operational benefits, these siloed deployments also represent significant operational risk. Security is the primary concern, but organisations are also missing out on essential business information. By failing to consolidate IoE deployments into the core network, organisations cannot enable CxOs to take advantage of a depth of real time analytics that should be informing changes to every part of the building, estate and production systems.

It is, therefore, no surprise that there is a growing CxO push to integrate IoE into the existing corporate network, not least to exploit IT’s security expertise. Few CxOs even consider any difficulties arguing, quite reasonably, that there is little or no difference between an IP enabled temperature sensor and any cloud based application. However, there is one fundamental and essential difference to consider: IT systems are still managed on the basis of 99.999% – five nines – availability; IoE demands 100% availability – failure is simply not an option.

A small but growing minority of IT organisations have therefore begun to explore the value of consolidating monitoring tools to move beyond break/fix to a predictive model that delivers 100% uptime. End to end monitoring that accurately predicts trends in performance combined with self-healing technologies both prevent problems and enable organisations to achieve far more effective IT utilisation.

Given the speed with which devices are becoming Internet enabled, there is no time to delay. But organisations have some tough questions to consider. From ownership to budget, capacity planning to network audit and security, organisations need to determine where the responsibility lies for this new connected model – and, critically, ensure IT embraces the predictive approach required to deliver the 100% availability now required of these essential systems.

The role of IT is changing; today’s requirement to support servers is evolving fast to one that is about managing millions of connected devices, from coffee machines to life saving NHS equipment. IT needs to step up quickly to embrace this critical, predictive model for every aspect of the corporate infrastructure.


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February 5, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

IOT helps financial services re-engage their customers

The Internet of Things (IoT) has truly begun to take off with enabled devices including smart watches, smart meters and connected cars as well as smartphones and tablets, writes David Watkins, the service delivery director at Virtus Data Centres. However, technology and appliances are not the only industries affected by this growing trend. In fact, IoT’s potential reaches far beyond, and could play a major role in helping disconnected industries re-engage with their customers. (more…)

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February 3, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

IoT reaches new heights with cloud technology in elevators

Andreas Schierenbeck, the chief executive of thyssenKrupp Elevator, discusses how modern IoT developments are bringing one of the world’s oldest industries – construction – into the 21st century. (more…)

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January 27, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

CES 2016 – where are we heading?

In the first week of January, while many were still recovering from their Christmas break, the tech of tomorrow was at full blast in new inventions at Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Beecham Research’s Olena Kaplan and Matthew Duke-Woolley report. (more…)

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January 20, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Redknee enables Dutch railway operator to increase network reliability

Redknee has launched the latest version of its Intelligent Network (IN) solution for GSM-Railway (GSM-R) networks at ProRail, the Dutch railway infrastructure operator. (more…)

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December 24, 2015

Posted by: George Malim

Internet of Everything is the enabler of 24/7 healthcare

The characteristics of the UK population are changing; the number of people over the age of 65 in the UK is set to rise to 19 million by 2050, up 5.5 million from the current figures, writes Maria Hernandez, the Internet of Everything lead, UK & Ireland, at Cisco Systems. With an ageing population in the UK, the cost implications this is likely to have on healthcare system means better overall management needs to be put in place by government, industry professionals and patients. (more…)

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November 18, 2015

Posted by: IoT global network

Jeff Edlund

‘No other standard addresses IoT platform harmonisation like oneM2M,’ says HP

Q: Let’s begin with an overview of your role in HP and IoT market priorities. (more…)

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November 4, 2015

Posted by: IoT global network

From road to rail, connecting the unconnected

The UK transport infrastructure is under pressure like never before. With congestion costing the UK economy £8bn a year, delays present a genuine economic threat, and new transformative capabilities are required, writes Alison Vincent, the chief technology officer of Cisco UK & Ireland. (more…)

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October 16, 2015

Posted by: Alison Vincent

Australian Utility Week

Event date: November 24-25, 2015
Luna Park Sydney, Australia

Australian Utility Week is the region’s largest conference and exhibition for energy retailers, distributors and water utilities focusing on the latest approaches, technologies and solutions to improve electricity and water networks’ efficiency in a cost-efficient, environmentally and customer friendly way. (more…)

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October 2, 2015

Posted by: IoT global network

David Parker

IoT and the Multi-Billionaires

The Internet of Things is an interesting business, though the terminology can be confusing even for those of us working in it. (more…)

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September 7, 2015

Posted by: IoT global network