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Search results for: IoT solutions

How to avoid an internet of exploited things

Adoption of the Internet of Things is proceeding quickly and although most people don’t yet have a smart refrigerator or toaster in their home, smart has taken off in certain market segments, writes Christian Fredrikson, the chief executive of F-Secure. TVs, fitness tracking devices, home monitoring systems and personal wearable devices are all hot products for connectivity, and it’s only a matter of time before other segments follow. Gartner tells us that by 2020, 25 billion devices will be connected. (more…)

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March 1, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Euronet ATM Connectivity

Financial institutions have the responsibility of keeping their customers’ information private and secure. When providing processing solutions for financial institutions, vendors and partners of these institutions must also provide a high level of security. In a 2013 study by Kaspersky Lab, there were 28.4 million cyber attacks involving financial malware identified. This was a 27.6% increase over 2012.


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February 16, 2016

Posted by: Digi

Smart home take-up needs standards to converge

Smart home and consumer applications in the Internet of Things (IoT) are seen as huge growth markets. Numerous related products and solutions already exist today however, although these solutions achieve enormous comfort and security gains as well as energy savings, an important component is missing: the user acceptance. The convergence of standards and technologies resulting in seamlessly connected, worldwide solutions will change this situation, write Graham Martin, the chairman of the EnOcean Alliance, and Tobin Richardson, the resident and CEO of the ZigBee Alliance. (more…)

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January 25, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Healthcare things are getting better at supporting wellness

One of the many sizable challenges in healthcare today is ensuring patients are taking care of themselves: taking their medication on time, getting enough sleep, doing what the doctor has advised, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, writes Mathew Kuruvilla, the chief innovation officer of Ness Software Engineering Services. (more…)

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January 22, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Life on the cusp of Industry 4.0 – the fourth Industrial Revolution

Manufacturing has come a long way since the Industrial Revolution in the 18th Century, writes Martin Hill, the vice president of marketing at Epicor International. The second Industrial Revolution in the 1900s saw the introduction of mass production. In the late 1960s, electronics and the automation of production lines entered the industrial environment. Now, we are benefiting from robotics and are beginning to discover the value of 3D printing. We are on the cusp of Industry 4.0, the fourth Industrial Revolution. (more…)

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January 4, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Redknee enables Dutch railway operator to increase network reliability

Redknee has launched the latest version of its Intelligent Network (IN) solution for GSM-Railway (GSM-R) networks at ProRail, the Dutch railway infrastructure operator. (more…)

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December 24, 2015

Posted by: George Malim

Mary Beth Hall, Verizon

Mary Beth Hall is director of product development  for IoT at Verizon. She is responsible for the strategy and execution of Verizon’s Internet of Things solutions roadmap, management of its M2M partner ecosystem and ongoing device certification and module sourcing.

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December 18, 2015

Posted by: George Malim

Dining out on data – operators take their share

The telecoms industry is being transformed overnight as consumers’ insatiable appetite for data and faster, better quality services continues to grow, writes Chris Mills the chief technology officer EMEA of Pivotal. (more…)

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December 16, 2015

Posted by: George Malim

Saverio Romeo picture

Internet of Things gives new dynamism to digital health

There is a new vigour in the digital health space write Dr Therese Cory, a senior analyst and Saverio Romeo, a principal analyst with Beecham Research. (more…)

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December 15, 2015

Posted by: George Malim

1776 Challenge Cup goes to Ukraine in search of the next great idea

Just over a week ago, I had the opportunity to attend the first ever 1776 Challenge Cup in Ukraine, writes Olena Kaplan, a senior analyst with Beecham Research. (more…)

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December 1, 2015

Posted by: George Malim