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Search results for: IoT security

Cool IoT Use Cases: Iceland’s international airport expands its flow management solution

Market Overview

Airline passenger numbers continue to rise along with expectations, which start on arrival and continue through airport compounds. End-to-end flow management solutions are being deployed to address this multi-faceted challenge. (more…)

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November 27, 2018

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

X-Ware IoT platform integrates with Infineon TriCore microcontrollers for ‘industrial-grade’ performance

Express Logic, provider of the X-Ware IoT Platform powered by the popular ThreadX RTOS, has integrated its X-Ware IoT Platform with the Infineon TriCore family of 32-bit microcontrollers. (more…)

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Posted by: Anasia D'mello

The CISO’s evolving role: How digitalisation is bringing the fight to industrial security threats

It’s no longer a question of whether your business will be attacked, but rather when it will be attacked. Cyber attacks, particularly those on public sector and utility businesses, are now a regular, often daily occurrence. (more…)

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November 21, 2018

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

‘Next gen’ industrial cyber security platform launched by Lanner

Today’s industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) infrastructure has encountered increasing cyber security threats due to the vulnerability by the use of public networks for IT/OT convergence. (more…)

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November 20, 2018

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

IoT helps shippers avoid the Blame Game and changes train operators’ business model

If I say Sony, I’d bet the first subjects that come to your mind are not healthcare or logistics management. Yet these are two key areas that Sony’s Sweden-based Internet of Things (IoT) team focused on at the recent IoT Solutions World Congress (IOTSWC18) in Barcelona, as Jeremy Cowan reports. (more…)

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November 19, 2018

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

The need to integrate data is urgent and non-trivial, says the Father of IoT

Kevin Ashton has been an executive director and visiting engineer at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where he led work on the next generation of computing. Perhaps more importantly for this report, says Jeremy Cowan, he is the man who coined the term the ‘Internet of Things’. (more…)

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November 14, 2018

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

In search of a managed IoT ecosystem that works

It’s no accident that the promise of the IoT has been slower than the headline Hungry tech media has reported over the years. Several factors – including security and privacy concerns, lack of interoperability, and poor network performance – have left consumers uncertain. (more…)

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November 12, 2018

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Data optimisation for cellular IoT: Part 1

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a new addition to the range of capabilities enabled by global telecommunication networks and opens up many new possibilities for applications and services. (more…)

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November 8, 2018

Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Cool IoT Use Cases: Smart sensing system guides drivers to free parking slots

Market overview 

Parking slots in urban areas are a resource for which drivers are prepared to pay. However, in today’s economy they expect parking to be service centric, i.e. to be guided to free slots and be able to find their cars quickly when they return. (more…)

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Posted by: Anasia D'mello

Gartner reveals its top 10 strategic IoT technologies and trends at ITxpo

Gartner, Inc. highlighted the top strategic Internet of Things (IoT) technology trends that will drive digital business innovation from 2018 through 2023. (more…)

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Posted by: Anasia D'mello