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Search results for: IoT network

IoT and transforming the digital enterprise

As IoT becomes integral to engineering and heavy industry, Michael Segal, the director of marketing at Netscout, discusses the digital transformation experienced by companies in these sectors and how the CIO will lead the transformation and ensure business assurance. (more…)

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April 27, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

IoT security – it’s a job for PAM

According to a recent Gartner report, 43% of organisations are using, or plan to implement, an Internet of Things (IoT) policy by the end of this year, writes William Culbert, the director of solutions engineering EMEA at Bomgar. (more…)

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April 21, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

What does the IoT mean for customer experience design?

In days of old, the most efficient way to get online was stare at your computer screen.  With the advent of mobile, the next generation of apps was designed to suit a much smaller form factor and to handle potential issues that came with mobile such as slow connectivity or interruptions, writes Frank Palermo, the executive vice president of global digital solutions at Virtusa. (more…)

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April 18, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Will budget cuts drive IoT and create the smart cities of tomorrow?

The term smart city has been in operation for some time. It’s often seen as a bit of a dream, something that will happen in the future and mean everything in our homes and on our streets will interact. Smart cities will make our lives, public services and cities seamlessly intertwined, writes Nick McNamara, the vice president of sale for EU at Eseye. (more…)

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April 15, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

IoT isn’t designed with safety in mind

The Internet of Things (IoT) has the potential to rapidly transform the workplace, writes Simon Heron, the CTO of Redscan. Companies that are investing in new technologies have started to experience improvements in business efficiency and competitiveness. As the IoT expands, protecting a company’s data and intellectual property (IP) will become more important than ever. (more…)

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April 11, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Carriers look to assure IoT performance and security

The Internet of Things will lead to a torrent of mobile network traffic, writes Scott Sumner, the vice president of solutions marketing at Accedian. Most carriers welcome the IoT as good news as they look to get ROI on their network investments while fuelling a transition to 5G. Carriers sorely need both in order to survive in an age of declining margins, fierce competition for subscribers, and the challenge from new communications and content providers. (more…)

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April 6, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

New software development practices key to IoT success

Many businesses are reaping the rewards of the connectivity that IoT provides, while many more are rapidly developing their plans to join this revolution, writes Mark Warren, the product marketing director of Perforce Software. As they do so, they are starting to appreciate the practical challenges that IoT brings: Getting products to market quickly, changing standards – or no standards, rapidly improving hardware, addressing security issues and, especially, coping with the vast amounts of data being generated. All of these challenges are putting a strain on traditional software product development and deployment processes. (more…)

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April 5, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Device Management Survey reveals risk to IoT business growth

What do 50+ companies deploying connected devices believe is key to delivering ambitious IoT growth expectations?


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April 4, 2016

Posted by: IoT global network

Create value with the Medical Internet of Things (MIoT): Part 2

In the first part of this series, Bhoopathi Rapolu, the head of analytics for EMEA at Cyient,  discussed how the increasing connectivity of medical devices – or the Internet of Things (IoT) – is leading to an explosion in healthcare big data. In turn, this growing bank of data is opening up new avenues for healthcare operations, which has the potential to totally transform the way we look at healthcare. In this second and final part of the series, he explores further ways in which healthcare organisations can look to take full advantage of the IoT. (more…)

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March 29, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Create value ahead of the competition with the Medical Internet of Things (MIoT): Part 1

It probably won’t have escaped your attention that the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as something of a phenomenon in the last few years, writes Bhoopathi Rapolu, the head of Analytics for EMEA at Cyient. The concept has become so popular that its impact is being felt across a huge number of industries, and healthcare is no exception. (more…)

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March 23, 2016

Posted by: George Malim