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Search results for: IoT connectivity

Tata Communications launches MOVE global mobility platform after taking 35% stake in IoT solution provider Teleena

Tata Communications has announced its entry into the global US$4 billion mobile data connectivity and cross-border Internet of Things (IoT) market. The company has unveiled the Tata Communications MOVE platform that it says will enable people and things to become seamlessly connected on a global scale. (more…)

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April 12, 2017

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

In the land of IoT coverage is king

Industrial applications of IoT technology and solutions provide some of the most high-value use cases of the connected technology. From logistics to improving environmental applications, says Neil Hamilton, VP of Business Development at Thingstream, (more…)

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April 11, 2017

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

IoT brings clean water to thousands of people in Africa

783 million people worldwide – equivalent to one in nine people, still don’t have access to clean water. Water systems are continuously installed but 65% break within the first two years as there is no sustainable method of maintaining them. (more…)

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April 10, 2017

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

Bernie McPhillips, head of Telefonica’s IoT wholesale partner channel, joins Pangea

Pangea, a global M2M and IoT connectivity and solutions provider, has announced that Bernie McPhillips is set to join the organisation in April, marking the next phase in its Partner Programme strategy. (more…)

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April 7, 2017

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

Minding the Gap: Serious progress towards bridging the IoT ‘chasm’ – Part 2

For both developers and network providers, the road to the Internet of Things (IoT) has meant stepping into the unknown, but purpose-built test tools and services are now lighting the way, according to Stephen Douglas Solutions & Technical Strategy lead, Internet of Things, Spirent Communications. (more…)

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Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

Minding the Gap: Serious progress towards bridging the IoT ‘chasm’ – Part 1

For both developers and network providers, the road to Internet of Things (IoT) has meant stepping into the unknown, but purpose-built test tools and services are now lighting the way, according to Stephen Douglas, Solutions & Technical Strategy lead, Internet of Things, Spirent Communications. (more…)

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April 6, 2017

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

Amscreen expands IoT partnership with Vodafone UK to provide a ‘new view’ on city data

Amscreen, a European manufacturer of digital screens, has extended its partnership with Vodafone UK for Internet of Things (IoT) connectivity management. (more…)

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Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

It’s time to stop re-inventing the wheel: How the use of smart terminals accelerates deployment of IoT projects

2017 is already proving to be the year the Internet of Things (IoT) demonstrates its worth. While consumers are continually impressed by virtual assistants that manage lighting, thermostats, ovens and regulate fridge temperatures and inventory, the use of IoT technology for businesses, both large and small, is turning heads. (more…)

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April 5, 2017

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

Vienna plans to use 1.8m brains in new smart city, as Central Europe forum focuses on industrial IoT

When everyone’s nose is pressed to the grindstone, it is good to be reminded of the benefits of what we are doing in the Internet of Things (IoT). (more…)

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March 31, 2017

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

Operators see importance of identity and interoperability in unlicensed IoT networks in new WBA report

The Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) has launched a new white paper outlining the key priorities for operators and technology vendors, and the monetisation potential for unlicensed technologies for IoT. (more…)

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March 30, 2017

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil