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Search results for: wireless connectivity

New 3GPP NB-IoT standard adds much needed choice to M2M landscape

Last week saw one of the year’s most far-reaching developments in M2M connectivity, as 3GPP’s plenary meeting in Phoenix, Arizona reached a decision on the standardisation of a new NarrowBand IoT (NB-IoT) technology, reports Aapo Markkanen, a principal analyst at Machina Research. (more…)

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October 1, 2015

Posted by: IoT global network

David Parker

IoT and the Multi-Billionaires

The Internet of Things is an interesting business, though the terminology can be confusing even for those of us working in it. (more…)

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September 7, 2015

Posted by: IoT global network

Making M2M safe and secure

M2MAPPS: Cellular networks are not secure unless they are private and managed. Can you substantiate that statement? It comes from a Wyless article.

STEVE BOYD: No network is safe and secure unless it’s privately managed in some way. You’re not going to allow workstations and application servers to connect to the Internet when the only protection is their own on-machine firewalls so why should cellular devices be any different? (more…)

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August 7, 2015

Posted by: IoT global network


FastTrack company using Telit modules to end luggage loss and traveler frustration

Telit Wireless Solutions, enabler of the Internet of the Things (IoT), has announced that FastTrack, a player in electronic bag tags and track & trace solutions for travellers, has designed its new Eviate eTrack solution using Telit’s HE910-D and SE868 V2 GPS receivers. (more…)

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June 18, 2015

Posted by: IoT global network

Robin Duke-Woolley

LTE and Internet of Things: Moving Closer Together?

When considering cellular connectivity, M2M has always been mainly about using low data rates. The aim for M2M solution designers has been to get the required information from a remote device using the least amount of bandwidth feasible for the job. Now that is beginning to change, but not in a uniform way. So why the interest in a high data rate technology like LTE? (more…)

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July 23, 2014

Posted by: IoT global network

Addressing diverse needs

M2MAPPS: Let’s start with a short summary of Digi’s core competence and the markets you address.

JOEL YOUNG: If we have a single core competence it’s probably the fact that we’ve been enabling machine connectivity over all kinds of media for more than 30 years. That adds up to a lot of experience and knowhow. (more…)

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February 25, 2014

Posted by: IoT global network


M2MAPPS: Ericsson is the leading provider of networking equipment to the world’s carriers. Last year revenues were over 26 billion Euros. When and why did the company decide to enter the relatively small M2M area?

MIGUEL BLOCKSTRAND : The decision was made in 2009 as part of a strategy review that looked at the way society was heading. We came up with the vision of a networked society in which 50 billion devices will be connected to the Internet by 2020, driven by products such as smartphones and the increased use of wireless communications in M2M verticals. (more…)

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February 18, 2013

Posted by: IoT global network