
Delivery of Things World

Event date: April 25-26, 2016
Maritim proArte Hotel, Berlin

The leading DevOps and Continuous Development event for senior executives

What does DevOps really mean for your business? What impact does it have and how can you implement it to reap the benefits? (more…)

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March 10, 2016

Posted by: IoT global network

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Posted by: George Malim

Five steps to better industrial security – Part One

According to the Global State of Information Security Survey 2016, 38% more security incidents were detected in 2015 than the previous year. As a result, industrial businesses across the world are implementing new strategies to improve security. Reassuringly, 91% of survey respondents have a risk-based security framework in place, but the most cited source of compromise still lies with employees. Rather than jumping to the conclusion that these compromises are intentional, consider how much the usual employee actually knows about keeping your system safe. (more…)

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Posted by: George Malim

The Internet of Manufacturing

Event date: 5-6 April 2016
Munich, Vinelake

The Internet of Manufacturing will highlight practical use cases on the transformative potential of the IoT to create smarter and more competitive factories. Government insights and peer-led case studies will help manufacturers build the business case for IoT and accelerate their readiness for Industry 4.0. Highlights include:


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Posted by: IoT global network

Robin Duke-Woolley

KORE acquires Wyless: Connectivity for IoT takes centre stage

KORE’s announcement today of its acquisition of Wyless has been a while in the making, but hugely significant now it is here, writes Robin Duke-Woolley, the chief executive of Beecham Research. (more…)

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March 9, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Why all your data matters for IoT business impact – Part Two

Data from the heating system should not be seen on its own, writes Patrick McFadin, a Cassandra Evangelist at DataStax. Overall energy consumption data can and should be viewed alongside air conditioning and water usage information, while businesses with large energy use for specific purposes like refrigeration can break out this information too. In this example, putting these sets of data alongside each other can help manage the facility more efficiently but also look to spot other less obvious patterns in the data. (more…)

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March 8, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Robin Duke-Woolley

MWC 2016: At last the M2M/IoT community takes a pragmatic look at the future

Mobile World Congress 2016 did meet expectations: a relentless show with people walking endlessly between halls for meetings, seeking opportunities, and listening to the latest announcements from the industry, write Robin Duke-Woolley, the chief executive of Beecham Research, and Saverio Romeo the firm’s principal analyst. Over 100,000 visitors this year – the most ever – and the food at the show was even more atrocious than last year. How do they get away with it at such high prices? (more…)

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Posted by: George Malim

Duncan Gooding, TalkTalk Business

Duncan Gooding is the director of enterprise at TalkTalk Business.

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March 7, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

The IoT future will be powered by fibre

According to Gartner, 6.4 billion connected things will be in use in 2016, up 30% from 2015. From the IoT connected fridge, Fujitsu’s recently announced connected cow and IoT applications that are changing the healthcare industry; IoT has never been a more exciting, dynamic and creative sector, writes Duncan Gooding, the director of enterprise at TalkTalk Business. (more…)

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Posted by: George Malim

IoT Slam 2016

Event date: April 28th 2016
Location: Virtual – in Cloud

IoT Slam 2016 is the world’s first and largest virtual IoT conference, covering Standards, Interoperability, Open Source, Integration, Security, Infrastructure, Business Models, Research, Innovation, Best Practices, Technology, Industry Implementation and Regulatory Compliance, in the world of IoT. (more…)

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March 4, 2016

Posted by: IoT global network