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Robin Duke-Woolley

The term “M2M” will soon disappear, but so will “IoT”

I have been attending CTIA shows with an M2M perspective in mind since 2004. (more…)

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September 21, 2015

Posted by: IoT global network

Orange opts for low power wide area IoT network

Orange is to invest in a new Low Power Wide Area (LPWA) network to support IoT in addition to its cellular network in metropolitan France. LPWA is a narrow-band technology that guarantees connectivity at a reduced energy consumption rate and at a lower cost. (more…)

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September 18, 2015

Posted by: George Malim

Wireless Logic logo

2 million M2M SIM subscriptions herald customer experience review for Wireless Logic

During 2015, Europe’s leading M2M managed services provider Wireless Logic has seen its subscription base increase to over 2 million SIMs. Achieving this landmark figure, the organisation has taken an intensive journey focusing on its entire service delivery model. (more…)

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September 14, 2015

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Saverio Romeo picture

The Convergence of Robotics and the Internet of Things

There is an embedded science-fictional meaning in the term “robotics”. It recalls Isaac Asimov and his three laws of robotics. Our imagination goes to Terminator, Robocop, and other Hollywoodian imaginative vision of the future of machines and humankind. (more…)

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Posted by: Saverio Romeo


Numerex and T-Mobile US launch LTE for IoT programme

Numerex and T-Mobile US have announced a technology upgrade programme to offer customers a migration path to move from their old 2G devices to long-term and sustainable LTE technology. (more…)

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September 11, 2015

Posted by: George Malim


oneM2M designates ATIS as Registry Management Authority

oneM2M, the global standards initiative for Machine to Machine (M2M) and the Internet of Things (IoT), has designated ATIS (Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions), a oneM2M founding partner, as the initial Registry Management Authority for an Application Identifier (App-ID) registry powered by iconectiv.   (more…)

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September 9, 2015

Posted by: George Malim

juniper logo

IoT will see active 5G connections to reach 240m by 2025

A new report from Juniper Research forecasts rapid adoption for 5G from 2025 onwards, with active connections representing a threefold increase from 2024 to reach 240 million by then. However, this will represent a very limited global reach, accounting for approximately 3% of global mobile connections. (more…)

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September 8, 2015

Posted by: George Malim

New GlobalPlatform specification enables dynamic connection between servers within an ecosystem

The NFC ecosystem in particular is set to benefit from new technology which lays foundation for dynamic discovery and dialogue between multiple servers   (more…)

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September 1, 2015

Posted by: George Malim

Richard Blanford

Richard Blanford

Richard Blanford, the managing director of Fordway founded the company in 1991 and has built it into a successful managed cloud and infrastructure transformation company in the UK. Five years ago he led a major investment in infrastructure, staff and training to enable Fordway to supply managed cloud services, which now provide approximately half the company’s total revenues.



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August 21, 2015

Posted by: IoT global network

Cookies policy

1. How We Use Cookies

Cookies on are used for a variety of reasons which you can learn about below. The cookies we use do not store personally identifiable information nor can they harm your computer. We want our website to be informative, personal, and as user friendly as possible and cookies help us to achieve that goal.

By using our website, you agree to the use of cookies and other technologies as set out in this policy. We appreciate some users may like more individual control over their visit to our website and can adjust their settings accordingly. You can read all about this in the section below “How to control and delete cookies”. If you do not agree to such use, please refrain from using the website.

2. What are Cookies?

A cookie is a small file and holds a certain amount of data, which our website can send to your browser. It may then be stored on your computer’s hard drive and can be accessed by our web server. This cookie data can then be retrieved and can allow us to customise our web pages and services accordingly. It is important to clarify that cookies do not collect any personal data stored on your hard drive or computer.

3. How do We Use Cookies?

We use Functional cookies are used to remember your preferences on our websites and to provide enhanced, more personal features. The information collected by these cookies is usually anonymised, so we cannot identify you personally. Functional cookies do not track your internet usage or gather information which could be used for selling advertising, but they do help with serving advertising.

4. Social Media Third Party Cookies?

To enrich our website content, sometimes we may embed video content from other social media websites such as YouTube or Facebook.   As a result, when you visit a page with content embedded, you may be presented with cookies from these websites.  QWS has no control or liability over these cookies set, so you should check the relevant third party’s cookie policy for more information.

We also offer a “share page” widget on some of our web pages, where content can be shared easily on the following sites Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+.  These sites may set a cookie when you are logged into their service.  QS has no control or liability over these cookies set, so you should check the relevant third party’s cookie policy for more information.

5. How to Control and Delete Cookies?

IoT global network will not use cookies to collect personally identifiable information about you. However, should you choose to disable, reject or block our cookies, some parts of our websites will not function fully, or in some cases, our website will not be accessible at all.

For more information on how to control your cookie settings and browser settings, or how to delete cookies on your hard drive, please visit

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August 12, 2015

Posted by: IoT global network