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Protect your health with IoT security

The market for the Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare is predicted to hit $117 billion by 2020. While there are numerous benefits of embracing the adoption of IoT in healthcare, such as improved efficiencies, cost savings and enhanced patient experience, it can also bring issues of security to the forefront, writes David Kleidermacher, the chief security officer at BlackBerry. (more…)

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July 13, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

IoT promises the world, but can it turn a profit?

It’s easy to see why Gartner predicts 2016 will be the year we see 6.4 billion connected things in use: the ability to operate devices remotely opens the door to a whole range of opportunities for businesses to bring an innovative service to their customers. The smartphone most of us have at hand almost every waking moment ensuring we never have to enter an unlit home or shiver in an unheated car are just the tip of the iceberg, writes Bryan Kirschner, a director at Apigee Institute. (more…)

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July 12, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

API Security and IoT – not a black or white problem

The networks that support the Internet of Things (IoT) rely on connections between a huge number of different devices, platforms and tools in order to function. The basic building blocks within these applications are the application programming interfaces (APIs) that are used to make the IoT work, writes Rami Essaid, the chief executive at Distil Networks. (more…)

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July 11, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Power quality for the smart generation

We have been aware of global warming for decades, but 2015 saw world leaders take united action with the UN climate conference of parties (COP) reaching a landmark agreement to limit the rise of global temperatures to less than two degrees Celsius. This puts pressure on renewable energy to play a bigger role in how we power the world around us. However, can it keep up as we move into the age of the always-on smart city? Here Steve Hughes, managing director of power quality specialist, REO UK, explores how the smart grid could hold the key if it evolves properly. (more…)

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July 8, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

CTIA Super Mobility 2016

Event date: September 7 – 9, 2016
Sands Expo, Las Vegas, NV

THE INDUSTRY HOTSPOT FOR EVERYTHING WIRELESS. Wireless innovation is changing everything. Join us in Las Vegas, September 7, 8 and 9, 2016, for CTIA Super Mobility 2016 and connect with the technology, people and ideas driving every aspect of the evolving wireless ecosystem—all in one Smart City. (more…)

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July 7, 2016

Posted by: IoT global network

The internet of vulnerable things

Every year in Louisville, Kentucky, hackers and security experts gather for DerbyCon, writes Rob Phillips, the sales and marketing director of Accutronics. While a get-together of hackers may sound troubling on its own, what’s truly disturbing is what came out of last year’s conference. Medical cyber crime is on the rise, and there are thousands of critical medical devices which can currently be located online and hacked directly. (more…)

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Posted by: George Malim

Upside down and inside out – a new perspective on IoT

Boardrooms need to change the way they look at IoT and frontline service teams if they want to retain customers and grow the business, writes Joe Kenny, the senior director of  Global Customer Transformation for field service management specialist, ServiceMax.

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July 5, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

It’s time for IoT to get strategic

The Internet of Things (IoT) is clearly gaining momentum – a testament to its potential to improve customer experience, drive down costs, and transform business operations. As organisations evolve from successful, one off pilots into broader  IoT deployments new thinking is required to ensure IoT truly delivers, writes Jason Kay, the chief commercial officer of IMS Evolve. (more…)

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July 4, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

The driving forces behind the IoT revolution are technology and consumer demand

To many people, the Internet of Things (IoT) still sounds rather futuristic. However, it is already here and improving lives on a global scale. In 2015, Business Insider reported 10 billion devices were connected to the internet, with the prediction of this figure to increase by 28% to 34 billion devices by 2020, writes Jess Thompson-Hughes, the vice president of PayGo and partner solutions at Eseye. (more…)

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July 1, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Take me down to the smart city – Part Two

Jonathan Wilkins, the marketing director of  EU Automation, continues his blog. The smart cities era will be made possible by a move towards sustainability and reduced power consumption, both of which are being led by industrial automation. Sustainability, in terms of energy and resource efficiency is a key ingredient for the success of the global manufacturing industry. (more…)

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June 30, 2016

Posted by: George Malim