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Search results for: data analysis

Saverio Romeo Beecham Research

Looking for a Benchmarking Framework for IoT platforms

Our counting of IoT platforms has exceeded 300, writes Saverio Romeo, the principal analyst at Beecham Research. There are now more than 300 solutions that identify themselves as IoT platform offering a variety of services, from device management to data management passing by API management. (more…)

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February 16, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Deepak Puri

From IoT Vision To Reality

Practical Lessons From Building An IoT Proof-of-Concept
What looks simple from 20,000 feet becomes complex as you get closer to the ground. Here are details on the approach we used, components we used and the lessons we learnt while recently developing an IoT proof-of-concept. (more…)

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January 22, 2016

Posted by: Skilled Analysts

IoE will help retailers create the intelligent high street – Part 2

In the second part of her blog exploring how the Internet of Everything is enabling the intelligent high street, Sarah Eccleston, the director for enterprise Networks at Cisco UK & Ireland, expands on how IoT technologies can help integrate online and in-store behaviour. (more…)

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December 29, 2015

Posted by: George Malim

Benefits of M2M-Solutions for Medium-Scale Industry

Why invest in M2M-solutions?

The analysis “Benefits of M2M-Solutions for Medium-Scale Industry” demonstrates the potentials of machine-to-machine and, for the first time, shows decision-makers the versatility of these benefits! (more…)

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November 6, 2015

Posted by: M2M-Concepts

IoT and interoperability: Let’s not leave a trillion dollars on the table

Much has been said about the growth of the Internet of Things (IoT), but it’s important to emphasise that innovation in this market is simply not going to happen of its own accord. According to a recent report by McKinsey & Company, failing to solve the sticky issues around IoT interoperability could cost the industry a minimum of $1.5 trillion in lost value per year. (more…)

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October 27, 2015

Posted by: Olivier Beaujard

juniper logo

IoT will see active 5G connections to reach 240m by 2025

A new report from Juniper Research forecasts rapid adoption for 5G from 2025 onwards, with active connections representing a threefold increase from 2024 to reach 240 million by then. However, this will represent a very limited global reach, accounting for approximately 3% of global mobile connections. (more…)

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September 8, 2015

Posted by: George Malim

Making M2M safe and secure

M2MAPPS: Cellular networks are not secure unless they are private and managed. Can you substantiate that statement? It comes from a Wyless article.

STEVE BOYD: No network is safe and secure unless it’s privately managed in some way. You’re not going to allow workstations and application servers to connect to the Internet when the only protection is their own on-machine firewalls so why should cellular devices be any different? (more…)

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August 7, 2015

Posted by: IoT global network

Bill Zujewski Axeda


M2MAPPS: Can you summarize Axeda’s core competence?

BILL ZUJEWSKI: We’re a cloud based service company that focuses on m2m solutions. Our software collects data from devices in the field, transmits to a server where it is processed into real-time information. (more…)

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August 9, 2013

Posted by: IoT global network