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Search results for: IoT

Hyperconvergence and secondary storage: Part 2

Hyperconverged secondary storage looks set to play a pivotal role in enterprise IoT environments. It allows enterprises to better manage the increasing amount of data created by devices. (more…)

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November 28, 2017

Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

CEBIT puts the spotlight on IT security and data security

CEBIT‘s approach resonates with current industry thinking. For example, in its most recent report on the state of IT security in Germany, the German Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) described data security as “the cornerstone of successful digitisation”. (more…)

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November 27, 2017

Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

ABB selects Digpro’s dpPower for a large SCADA ADMS project in Turkey

Digpro, the major innovator in the field of Geographic IT and Network Lifecycle Management, has been chosen by ABB to supply their GIS based network management system dpPower for a large SCADA ADMS project in Turkey.


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Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

Accenture and Pivotal launch new business group to help enterprises accelerate and speed up their software development

Accenture and Pivotal Software, Inc., have formed a new business group to help Fortune Global 500 companies and other large enterprises accelerate their software development and innovate at startup speed. The Accenture Pivotal Business Group (APBG) will help enterprises migrate legacy applications to the cloud and accelerate cloud-native application development on Pivotal Cloud Foundry® (PCF), (more…)

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Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

Low Power Wide Area Networks: Creating a powerful ecosystem for success

The Internet of Things (IoT) is poised to transform the way in which many businesses, cities, processes and even people operate. It will disrupt a whole range of industries, says Peter Karney, head of product innovation at Digital Catapult, from healthcare to conservation or street lighting to livestock welfare. (more…)

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Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

Hyperconvergence and the Internet of Things: Part 1

Hyperconvergence is a relatively new marketing term, says Bob Emmerson. Unfortunately, it can come across as a hyped-up version of regular voice/data convergence, which became an overused term many moons ago.  (more…)

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Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

UnitedHealthcare and Qualcomm integrate wearable devices from Samsung and Garmin into wellness program

UnitedHealthcare and Qualcomm Incorporated, through its subsidiary Qualcomm Life, have integrated wearable devices from Samsung Electronics America Inc. and Garmin International, Inc. into UnitedHealthcare Motion™. (more…)

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November 24, 2017

Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

Renesas Electronics Europe enhances Renesas Synergy platform with safety certification packages for industrial automation

Renesas Electronics Europe, a supplier of advanced semiconductor solutions, announced the availability of certification packages for the Renesas Synergy S7G2, S5D9, and S3A7 microcontroller (MCU) Groups. The certification packages offer seamless integration into safety applications and reduce system development time by up to six months while minimising risk for the customer’s system certification process. (more…)

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Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

Symantec selects Amazon Web Services to deliver cloud security to global customers

Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS), an company, announced that Symantec has chosen AWS as its strategic infrastructure provider for the vast majority of its cloud workloads, leveraging AWS’s infrastructure scale and maturity to deliver cloud security to its global customers. (more…)

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November 23, 2017

Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

BrainChip triumphs at the 2017 Milipol Innovation Awards

BrainChip Holdings Ltd., a developer of software and hardware accelerated solutions for advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning applications, was selected the 2017 Milipol Innovation Award winner in the cybersecurity category. (more…)

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Posted by: Zenobia Hegde