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Lantronix to preview XPort Edge, an embedded ethernet IoT gateway at Embedded World

Lantronix, a global provider of secure data access and management solutions for the industrial Internet of Things (IoT), will be providing an early preview of its XPort Edge embedded ethernet IoT gateway at the Embedded World Conference (Hall 4A, Booth 300) in Nürnberg, Germany. (more…)

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February 27, 2018

Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

Taoglas and Adant launch software-defined antenna to drive 100% increase in throughput coverage

Taoglas, a provider of IoT and automotive antenna and RF solutions, in partnership with Adant, a provider of smart antenna technology, at Mobile World Congress 2018 announced the launch of Taoglas Shift, a software-defined antenna system that changes the economics of next-generation wireless networks by extending coverage and increasing throughput by up to 100%. (more…)

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Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

SD-WAN + LTE = More IoT manageability, reliability and flexibility

Many enterprises have IoT devices scattered across dozens, hundreds and thousands of sites—everything from stores to branch offices to remote oil wellheads. The more sites there are, the less likely it is that a single network technology or service provider can connect them all. (more…)

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Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

Truphone Io3 launched as a new solution to provide simple IoT SIM integration on any device

Self-declared mobile technology disruptor and global service provider Truphone has launched its new IoT proposition, Truphone Io3 on day one of Mobile World Congress 2018. The solution brings together Truphone’s market-leading SIM technology and unique global cellular network, alongside a suite of intelligence systems. (more…)

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February 26, 2018

Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

Unlocking 5G’s revenue potential: A roadmap for operators

The industries’ focus on 5G has shifted from viewing it as a disruptive technology to now embracing it as a central part of their strategy. In its latest 5G-IoT report, unveiled at Mobile World Congress, Ericsson lays out a roadmap for operators to unlock the revenue potential of 5G-enabled industry digitalisation. (more…)

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Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

Optimising the care pathway : A vision of connected healthcare delivery

Healthcare is going through its own digital transformation. New technology, such as wearables, telemedicine and IoT connectivity is making its way into hospitals, clinics and care homes. It is aimed at optimising care pathways to reduce average hospital stays and improve patient welfare. (more…)

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Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

The IoT is transforming the telecommunications industry, creating exciting new revenue opportunities for telcos that innovate

We are witnessing a significant and inevitable shift in digital payments to mobile commerce. Consumers are now spending more time and money on their mobile devices than on their desktops and in stores, says Andy McDonald, vice president, merchant retail EMEA at ACI Worldwide. (more…)

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Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

Ubicquia joins AT&T’s Smart Cities Strategic Alliance

AT&T says it is helping cities become safer and more efficient. Through collaborations with other industry leaders and its Internet of Things (IoT) expertise, the operator is working to deliver solutions that address some key community challenges.


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February 23, 2018

Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

AT&T Smart Cities Strategic Alliance joined by Synchronoss to help transform cities around the world

Synchronoss Technologies, Inc., a global provider of cloud, messaging, digital, and IoT products,  has joined the AT&T Smart Cities Strategic Alliance to help transform cities around the world. Its digital and IoT product portfolio and expertise will be leveraged by some of the mobile industry’s biggest names (more…)

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Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

Semtech and Lacuna receiving messages from space

Semtech Corporation, a supplier of high performance analog and mixed-signal semiconductors and advanced algorithms, and Lacuna Space announced its collaboration with key industry leaders, including the European Space Agency (ESA) and Parametric GmbH, to extend a LoRaWAN network by providing satellite connectivity to fill voids between the terrestrial gateways out of cellular reach and give continuous global coverage.


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Posted by: Zenobia Hegde