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Search results for: LTE technologies

Carriers look to assure IoT performance and security

The Internet of Things will lead to a torrent of mobile network traffic, writes Scott Sumner, the vice president of solutions marketing at Accedian. Most carriers welcome the IoT as good news as they look to get ROI on their network investments while fuelling a transition to 5G. Carriers sorely need both in order to survive in an age of declining margins, fierce competition for subscribers, and the challenge from new communications and content providers. (more…)

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April 6, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Why all your data matters for IoT business impact – Part Two

Data from the heating system should not be seen on its own, writes Patrick McFadin, a Cassandra Evangelist at DataStax. Overall energy consumption data can and should be viewed alongside air conditioning and water usage information, while businesses with large energy use for specific purposes like refrigeration can break out this information too. In this example, putting these sets of data alongside each other can help manage the facility more efficiently but also look to spot other less obvious patterns in the data. (more…)

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March 8, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

The LPWAN race – time to stop mudslinging and see the bigger picture

The Internet of Things is without question the buzzword in ICT. The 2016 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain took this to a new level, writes Brian Partridge, the research vice president at 451 Research. The high level prioritisation that IoT holds among major ICT suppliers would have the uninitiated believing that IoT is accelerating everywhere. Of course it’s not, as anyone with P&L responsibilities attached to IoT growth in 2015 would attest. (more…)

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March 2, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Healthcare things are getting better at supporting wellness

One of the many sizable challenges in healthcare today is ensuring patients are taking care of themselves: taking their medication on time, getting enough sleep, doing what the doctor has advised, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, writes Mathew Kuruvilla, the chief innovation officer of Ness Software Engineering Services. (more…)

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January 22, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Jedi-OT knights and the SIMless wonders

Long ago, in a cellular galaxy not too far away this ubiquitous device was specified by ETSI and in 1991 the first batch were produced by G&D. It provides secure, authenticated access for billions of people globally to cellular networks. It is of course the dear old SIM card. This invention has been an enabler for the growth of mobile telephony but has it done the same for M2M? And will it do so for the IoT in the future, asks David Parker, the senior analyst with Beecham Research. (more…)

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January 12, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Sudip Singh, Infosys

Asset efficiency – a leap towards the industrial IoT

The evolution of smart, connected and autonomous products is reshaping the manufacturing industry and its ecosystem. The convergence of operational technology and information technology is opening a completely new axis, and a large one at that, for creating path breaking innovations and opportunities in the manufacturing ecosystem. (more…)

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October 29, 2015

Posted by: Sudip Singh

From road to rail, connecting the unconnected

The UK transport infrastructure is under pressure like never before. With congestion costing the UK economy £8bn a year, delays present a genuine economic threat, and new transformative capabilities are required, writes Alison Vincent, the chief technology officer of Cisco UK & Ireland. (more…)

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October 16, 2015

Posted by: Alison Vincent

New 3GPP NB-IoT standard adds much needed choice to M2M landscape

Last week saw one of the year’s most far-reaching developments in M2M connectivity, as 3GPP’s plenary meeting in Phoenix, Arizona reached a decision on the standardisation of a new NarrowBand IoT (NB-IoT) technology, reports Aapo Markkanen, a principal analyst at Machina Research. (more…)

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October 1, 2015

Posted by: IoT global network

David Parker

IoT and the Multi-Billionaires

The Internet of Things is an interesting business, though the terminology can be confusing even for those of us working in it. (more…)

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September 7, 2015

Posted by: IoT global network


High demand for IoT services in Thailand reported

Connected cars, fleet management and smart cities drive IoT growth in Thailand (more…)

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September 2, 2015

Posted by: George Malim