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The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has a series of study groups withing its Telecommunications Standardisation Sector (ITU-T). These groups assemble experts from around the world to develop international standards known as ITU-T Recommendations which act as defining elements in the global infrastructure of information and communication technologies (ICTs). (more…)

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March 30, 2015

Posted by: IoT global network

Robin Duke-Woolley

LTE and Internet of Things: Moving Closer Together?

When considering cellular connectivity, M2M has always been mainly about using low data rates. The aim for M2M solution designers has been to get the required information from a remote device using the least amount of bandwidth feasible for the job. Now that is beginning to change, but not in a uniform way. So why the interest in a high data rate technology like LTE? (more…)

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July 23, 2014

Posted by: IoT global network

Robin Duke-Woolley

Who Really Wants a Smart Watch?

There is a lot of discussion going on right now about when the next smart watch will appear. Samsung is expected to launch their Galaxy Gear smart watch at the IFA show in Berlin next week. The apparent aim of doing this is to trounce Apple, who may or may not launch their rumoured iWatch at their own event on September 10 in San Francisco. (more…)

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July 9, 2014

Posted by: IoT global network

A unique look at the market

M2MAPPS: Rod: Multi-Tech has an interesting and unusual portfolio: lots of pre-certified products as well as professional and manufacturing services. How do you distill it down into a clear, concise offer?

ROD LANDERS: It’s very simple. Our products are platforms that allow companies to deliver M2M services in very short time frames. We have a comprehensive portfolio of pre-certified end devices and that allows us to match an off-the-shelf product with the functionality of the service that the company is designing. (more…)

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April 29, 2014

Posted by: IoT global network

Addressing diverse needs

M2MAPPS: Let’s start with a short summary of Digi’s core competence and the markets you address.

JOEL YOUNG: If we have a single core competence it’s probably the fact that we’ve been enabling machine connectivity over all kinds of media for more than 30 years. That adds up to a lot of experience and knowhow. (more…)

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February 25, 2014

Posted by: IoT global network

A smarter way to save energy

M2MAPPS: Avner: Greenlet Technologies markets a “demand response” solution that is sold to utilities and power aggregators. Can you outline the core functionality?

AVNER COHEN : Our demand response solution allows both utilities and consumers to control and monitor the energy that’s used by their appliances. (more…)

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January 14, 2014

Posted by: IoT global network

Sergio Ramos Quake Global


M2MAPPS: Can you summarize Quake Global’s core competence and its key activities?

SERGIO RAMOS: QUAKE provides communications systems that enable global monitoring, tracking and control of corporate assets. We’re the market leader. (more…)

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September 18, 2013

Posted by: IoT global network

Bill Zujewski Axeda


M2MAPPS: Can you summarize Axeda’s core competence?

BILL ZUJEWSKI: We’re a cloud based service company that focuses on m2m solutions. Our software collects data from devices in the field, transmits to a server where it is processed into real-time information. (more…)

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August 9, 2013

Posted by: IoT global network


M2MAPPS: Sigfox has employed license-free spectrum to create a cellular network that is dedicated to M2M and the IoT. The obvious question is why? What is wrong with cellular technology?

THOMAS NICHOLLS: I’d like to start with a reminder that M2M and IoT applications come in numerous sizes and shapes. Those that need relatively high data rates work well with existing connectivity technologies, but many others only need to exchange small messages every so often. (more…)

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May 13, 2013

Posted by: IoT global network


M2MAPPS: You have been giving M2M talks, together with Dr. Mischa Dohler, all around the globe for the last two years. Which are your main research activities in this field?

JESUS ALONSO-ZARATE : Yes, we started off in December 2010 at the international conference IEEE GLOBECOM 2010. Since then, we have been giving a series of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) tutorials around the globe in different events, universities, and companies. (more…)

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May 3, 2013

Posted by: IoT global network