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Search results for: global market


The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is an independent, non-governmental international organisation with a membership of 162 national standards bodies. (more…)

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March 30, 2016

Posted by: IoT global network


The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC) was founded in March 2014 to bring together the organisations and technologies necessary to accelerate the growth of the Industrial Internet by identifying, assembling and promoting best practices. (more…)

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Posted by: IoT global network


IEEE’s core purpose is to foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE has more than 426,000 members in more than 160 countries, in excess of 50% of whom are from outside the United States. (more…)

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Posted by: IoT global network

Create value with the Medical Internet of Things (MIoT): Part 2

In the first part of this series, Bhoopathi Rapolu, the head of analytics for EMEA at Cyient,  discussed how the increasing connectivity of medical devices – or the Internet of Things (IoT) – is leading to an explosion in healthcare big data. In turn, this growing bank of data is opening up new avenues for healthcare operations, which has the potential to totally transform the way we look at healthcare. In this second and final part of the series, he explores further ways in which healthcare organisations can look to take full advantage of the IoT. (more…)

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March 29, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Create value ahead of the competition with the Medical Internet of Things (MIoT): Part 1

It probably won’t have escaped your attention that the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as something of a phenomenon in the last few years, writes Bhoopathi Rapolu, the head of Analytics for EMEA at Cyient. The concept has become so popular that its impact is being felt across a huge number of industries, and healthcare is no exception. (more…)

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March 23, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

How IoT is expanding into cosmetics and medical industries

As the Internet of Internet of Things continues to pervade our daily lives, a number of industries including traditional industries are beginning to adopt IoT enabled technologies to help improve customer engagement, writes Christophe Bianchi, the CEO of Feeligreen. (more…)

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March 22, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Service gets its game face on for the IoT era

When you hear the word chief in anyone’s job title, several things come to mind: a senior management role overseeing an important business function associated with strategy and power, profitability and revenue growth. Someone who is leading a function that is critical to the success of a business, writes Dave Hart, the vice president of Global Customer Transformation for field service management specialist, ServiceMax. (more…)

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March 17, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Robin Duke-Woolley

KORE acquires Wyless: Connectivity for IoT takes centre stage

KORE’s announcement today of its acquisition of Wyless has been a while in the making, but hugely significant now it is here, writes Robin Duke-Woolley, the chief executive of Beecham Research. (more…)

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March 9, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

The LPWAN race – time to stop mudslinging and see the bigger picture

The Internet of Things is without question the buzzword in ICT. The 2016 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain took this to a new level, writes Brian Partridge, the research vice president at 451 Research. The high level prioritisation that IoT holds among major ICT suppliers would have the uninitiated believing that IoT is accelerating everywhere. Of course it’s not, as anyone with P&L responsibilities attached to IoT growth in 2015 would attest. (more…)

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March 2, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

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February 24, 2016

Posted by: George Malim