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Search results for: connectivity

Drive business growth with the Internet of Things

Robin Scarborough, partner and managing director at Market Gravity, explains how the Internet of Things can enhance customer experiences, drive business growth and highlights the risks for those that don’t evolve. (more…)

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March 25, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Flash storage is paving the way for the connected car

2015 was a big year for the connected car, writes Martin Booth from SanDisk Industrial and Automotive Solutions. It was the year that the fabled car of the future made a giant leap from a concept towards something we can actually touch and feel, with various car manufacturers pushing the limits with a broad range of connectivity features and functionalities. With many of these vehicles featuring advanced connected applications that were once only possible on a smartphone or, in some cases, on the pages of science fiction novels, it is safe to say that we are now in the age of the connected car. (more…)

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March 24, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Create value ahead of the competition with the Medical Internet of Things (MIoT): Part 1

It probably won’t have escaped your attention that the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as something of a phenomenon in the last few years, writes Bhoopathi Rapolu, the head of Analytics for EMEA at Cyient. The concept has become so popular that its impact is being felt across a huge number of industries, and healthcare is no exception. (more…)

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March 23, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Jeep and Nissan breaches demonstrate scale of car security challenge

The automobile industry is further down the IoT road than many others, writes Cesare Garlati, the chief security strategist at the prpl Foundation. Smart sensors control a range of functions inside automobiles from emissions to the in-vehicle entertainment system, brakes and even steering on some advanced models. (more…)

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March 21, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Why identity is in the driving seat for connected car security

An increasingly diverse range of connected objects has joined the Internet of Things (IoT) in recent years, writes Simon Moffatt, the director of advanced customer engineering at ForgeRock. Whilst the IoT was once primarily the province of consumer gadgets and wearables, it now includes a growing number of luxury products such as connected cars and smart home systems. Indeed, according to IDATE, 420 million drivers will generate a connectivity market amounting to €9 billion by 2020. (more…)

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March 16, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Smart IoT London

Event date: 12-13 April, 2016 
ExCeL Centre, London, UK

The Internet of Things is radically redefining just what it means to be connected. It will present unmissable, undreamt-of possibilities for businesses all over the world. But it will need explaining. (more…)

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March 14, 2016

Posted by: IoT global network

Five steps to better industrial security – Part One

According to the Global State of Information Security Survey 2016, 38% more security incidents were detected in 2015 than the previous year. As a result, industrial businesses across the world are implementing new strategies to improve security. Reassuringly, 91% of survey respondents have a risk-based security framework in place, but the most cited source of compromise still lies with employees. Rather than jumping to the conclusion that these compromises are intentional, consider how much the usual employee actually knows about keeping your system safe. (more…)

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March 10, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

The IoT future will be powered by fibre

According to Gartner, 6.4 billion connected things will be in use in 2016, up 30% from 2015. From the IoT connected fridge, Fujitsu’s recently announced connected cow and IoT applications that are changing the healthcare industry; IoT has never been a more exciting, dynamic and creative sector, writes Duncan Gooding, the director of enterprise at TalkTalk Business. (more…)

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March 7, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

The LPWAN race – time to stop mudslinging and see the bigger picture

The Internet of Things is without question the buzzword in ICT. The 2016 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain took this to a new level, writes Brian Partridge, the research vice president at 451 Research. The high level prioritisation that IoT holds among major ICT suppliers would have the uninitiated believing that IoT is accelerating everywhere. Of course it’s not, as anyone with P&L responsibilities attached to IoT growth in 2015 would attest. (more…)

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March 2, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

How to avoid an internet of exploited things

Adoption of the Internet of Things is proceeding quickly and although most people don’t yet have a smart refrigerator or toaster in their home, smart has taken off in certain market segments, writes Christian Fredrikson, the chief executive of F-Secure. TVs, fitness tracking devices, home monitoring systems and personal wearable devices are all hot products for connectivity, and it’s only a matter of time before other segments follow. Gartner tells us that by 2020, 25 billion devices will be connected. (more…)

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March 1, 2016

Posted by: George Malim