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M2MAPPS: Dave: you’re Multi-Tech’s VP of product development & innovation. What interesting M2M developments do you see coming onto the radar screen?

DAVE SMITH: How long have you got? Innovation is happening all around us, sometimes visible, sometimes not. One of the great things about M2M is the way it can create solutions that address intrinsic issues in our society and then, as a kind of encore, go on to facilitate the development of breakthrough business models. (more…)

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February 1, 2013

Posted by: IoT global network


M2MAPPS: Monnit focuses on low-cost wireless sensors. When and why did you decide to specialize in this part of the value chain?

BRAD WALTERS: I’d been a successful serial entrepreneur and investor and around August 2008 I was looking around for a new opportunity. At that time wireless sensors were large and they cost around 500 hundred dollars, but it was clear that there was a huge market opportunity for products that could be battery-powered and would cost a lot less: around 50 dollars. (more…)

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January 21, 2013

Posted by: IoT global network


M2MAPPS: Dr. Massabuau: can you summarize your activities at the University of Bordeaux?

DR. JEAN-CHARLES MASSABUAU: Please call me Jean-Charles. I’m a scientist, a Research Director in the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique), specialized in respiratory physiology; I study and research the breathing patterns of aquatic animals. It’s a team activity that involves working with other scientists. (more…)

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December 4, 2012

Posted by: IoT global network


M2MAPPS: We are integrating a module we got from a distributor, who can we get support for this from?

DAVID TREVAYNE-SMITH: This question often arises as the manufacturers of modules use the distribution network to cover their sales methods. Depending on the level of support that is required, the test laboratory you are using for certification will have access to much of the documentation covering the FCC grant on the module, the AT Commands supported and the module manufacturers’ process for integration. (more…)

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November 8, 2011

Posted by: IoT global network