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Search results for: information technology

Behaviour Analytics Market to grow at 40% CAGR from 2017-2024, according to reports

The Behaviour Analytics Market is set to grow from its current market value of more than $200 million (€170.07 million) to over $3.5 billion (€2.98 billion) by 2024; according to a new research report by Global Market Insights, Inc. (more…)

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May 23, 2018

Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

Kudelski Group and u-blox to collaborate on secure connectivity
 for consumer, automotive and industrial IoT

The Kudelski Group, the provider in digital security, and u‑blox, a provider in positioning and wireless communication technologies for the automotive, industrial and consumer markets, announced the signing of an MOU to bring premium-grade security to IoT devices. (more…)

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May 22, 2018

Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

Clear vision and shared goals key to digital transformation but operator optimism falls, says research

At its Digital Transformation World event, held in Nice, TM Forum, the industry association driving digital transformation through collaboration, has warned that clear, (more…)

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May 16, 2018

Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

Cool IoT Use Cases: Smart parking relieves traffic congestion

Market overview

Facilitating parking in city centres is good for the local economy. If the political will is there it’s relatively easy to deploy smart parking systems and many authorities see them as the logical first step of large smart city projects. (more…)

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May 11, 2018

Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

Smart pumps and predictive analytics gain traction as upstream oil & gas companies embrace digitisation

Frost & Sullivan’s recent analysis, Global Pumps Market in the Oil and Gas Industry, Forecast to 2024, finds that there has been a concentrated focus on operational expenditure (OPEX) in the oil & gas industry following the oil price plunge in 2016. (more…)

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May 9, 2018

Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

Gartner says sustainable business growth in midsize organisations will be built on an ecosystem platform

The top two business priorities for CIOs of midsize enterprises (MSEs) in 2018 are growth and digital transformation. However, 57% of MSEs are not yet delivering digital initiatives, according to findings from Gartner Inc.’s 2018 CIO Agenda Survey. (more…)

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May 8, 2018

Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

Smartphone shoppers are altering retail reality, reports Ericsson

Taking a look at the fast-changing reality of retail, Ericsson Consumer & IndustryLab presents: Beyond smartphone shopping – the rise of smart assistants. This report describes how connectivity is driving two major shifts in how people shop. (more…)

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Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

Revenue for Intelligent Building Solutions is expected to near $68bn in 2027, according to Navigant Research

A new report from Navigant Research examines the global intelligent buildings market in the era of digital transformation, providing forecasts, broken out by segment, sub-segment, sector, and region, through 2027. (more…)

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May 4, 2018

Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

ServiceNow acquires Parlo, AI workforce solution

ServiceNow announced it has agreed to acquire Silicon Valley-based Parlo, an artificial intelligence (AI) and natural language understanding (NLU) workforce solution, in an all-cash transaction expected to close this month. (more…)

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Posted by: Zenobia Hegde

When the patient goes home, does Blockchain follow them?

Blockchain products in healthcare have proven to have the potential of making interoperability practical and achievable. This innovativeness has been pushed a step further with blockchain products (although few) that are helping to make follow-ups on patient performance, satisfaction, medication, and recovery. Isn’t this amazing?


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May 2, 2018

Posted by: Zenobia Hegde