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Search results for: Smart City

Bright Box launches self-driving car with neural network that learns extreme driving from computer games

A European vendor of connected-vehicle applications like Nissan Smart Car app in Middle East, and KIA Remoto app in Russia, announced the launch of a self-driving car solution with a neural network trained through computer games as well as real-life examples. (more…)

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October 4, 2016

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

The IoT project manager’s checklist

When developing a new IoT product or service, it is all too easy to allocate so much time and resource to the visible elements – the analytics, web GUI, or the smartphone app – that some of the less sexy but equally critical elements get treated as commodities, writes, Matthew Own, the managing director of M2M Intelligence. (more…)

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September 28, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

Interdigital joins Avanci IoT licensing platform

InterDigital, Inc., a mobile technology research and development company, announced that it has joined Avanci, said to be the industry’s first marketplace for licensing cellular standards-essential technology for the Internet of Things (IoT). (more…)

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September 21, 2016

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

Telit expands sensor-to-cloud solutions with Bluetooth 4.2 module, announces partnership with Wirepas

Telit, a global enabler of the Internet of Things (IoT), announced the commercial availability of its BlueMod+S42 Bluetooth 4.2 module, and two variants of the popular SL869 single and multi-standard positioning module family, the SL869-V3 and the SL869-ADR. (more…)

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September 20, 2016

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

Actillity ThingPark and Digita to roll out a national LoRa network for Finland

Actility, the industry leader in Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN), and Digita, the Finnish broadcast network operator, are teaming up to take the next step towards a fully-connected Finland by rolling out a LoRa network. (more…)

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September 6, 2016

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

European home and commercial automation provider SOMFY joins ZigBee Alliance board of directors

SOMFY has joined the ZigBee Alliance at the Promoter level and accepted a seat on its Board of Directors. (more…)

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August 12, 2016

Posted by: Avadhoot Patil

The use of IoT and cloud services in the warehouse

In the past, warehouse workers, otherwise known as pickers, would worth with lists and manually run a warehouse. This took pickers a long time to get shipments in order just and this laborious practice soon became outdated when digital advanced, writes Suzanne Vallance, who works for Ferrari Packaging, a wholesale packaging supplies  company based in Scotland.

IoE practices in warehouses

Warehouses have started to use the Internet of Everything (IoE), robotic systems which makes the working day much more effective. IoE and voice picking have improved the efficiency of warehouse practices. Sensors can now even detect everything through a robotic system and businesses can check where their pallets are, whether that is in the warehouse or en route to the shipping dock.

Progressively, businesses are adapting to IoE technology and are connecting the different departments in their organisation. These warehouses, like new technology that we use every day, are called “smart warehouses” and have increased productivity across the board.

IoT and cloud software for business

Cloud software is continuing to develop and change security perceptions. Steve Banker from Forbes Online has stated that there are benefits of using IoT in warehouses and has highlighted how pickers are management are adjusting to the change: “Most well run warehouses have a Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) that depends upon bar code data. Warehouse floor level operations personnel and warehouse managers execute their tasks based upon this data.”

This is true, figures from 2015 have shown the growth of IoT in business, especially in the use of cloud technology:

  • 90% of businesses used cloud technology in some capacity in 2015
  • 85% of users are confident in their provider’s ability to provide a secure environment
  • 24% of IT budgets will be allocated to cloud solutions in 2015

Cloud software is hosted elsewhere, virtually and businesses manage their accounts by accessing the software over the internet. Organisations will be charged a cloud fee, however, this includes hosting services.

What is a voice picking cloud?

The main method of internet picking is through a voice picking cloud solution. This means organisations can host their information remotely.

This is beneficial as it means your business does not have to obtain, install or maintain servers. This will not only improve staff efficiency in the long run but it will cut costs. In-house IT hardware can be problematic when it comes to continual security and maintenance.

Argos is just one of the UK’s multichannel retailers that have moved away from paper trail picking. This has been beneficial to the company as they claim it has boosted staff productivity and accuracy.

Getting it right the first time is now more important than ever as the fast delivery pressure from the “Amazon effect” is hitting the retail business. Thankfully for Argos, its level of accuracy is going up and accuracy error rates have decreased from just over 1% to less than 0.3%.

By adopting a voice picking system a business will become more consistent. The paper trail has become outdated, therefore it may be worth businesses looking into business improvement across the board, especially in the operational side of businesses.

Operational vs technical in the warehouse

Remember, improving the technological side of your business is vital, but maintaining the operations section of it, is just as important.

Adopting cloud technology will allow for reduced operational costs, but it’s good practice not to reply on the cloud alone to protect your goods. Amazon uses the cloud to help protect against theft, by using a system that updates every thirty minutes, however for the SME traditional methods for protecting your stored items should not be disregarded. Invest in suitable packaging supplies that will act as a secondary dimension of protection for your goods.

IoT warehouse operations

Changing your business ethic can be risky, therefore it always worth trialling different methods of IoT. By using the internet to enhance your workplace it will not only encourage your employees to work harder but they will learn new, digital skills. The beauty of the internet is that is growing and it is never too late to change, you could see the benefits of IoT in your warehouse works in a matter of months.

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July 27, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

The three major security implications of the IoT

Infosec pros have spent the past decade fighting a rising tide of both more users and more devices connecting to enterprise resources while at the same time trying to decrease the attack surface — that is, trying to shut down as many points of access as possible, writes Joe Schorr is director of advanced security solutions at Bomgar. (more…)

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July 18, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

IoT promises the world, but can it turn a profit?

It’s easy to see why Gartner predicts 2016 will be the year we see 6.4 billion connected things in use: the ability to operate devices remotely opens the door to a whole range of opportunities for businesses to bring an innovative service to their customers. The smartphone most of us have at hand almost every waking moment ensuring we never have to enter an unlit home or shiver in an unheated car are just the tip of the iceberg, writes Bryan Kirschner, a director at Apigee Institute. (more…)

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July 12, 2016

Posted by: George Malim

How to successfully transform into an IoT business

Today, businesses around the world in industries as diverse as agriculture, healthcare, robotics, transportation, utilities and more are demonstrating that the Internet of Things (IoT) is more than just hype by putting connectivity at the heart of their business strategies, writes Sanjay Khatri, the head of global product marketing for IoT cloud at Cisco Jasper. (more…)

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June 16, 2016

Posted by: George Malim