An increasingly diverse range of connected objects has joined the Internet of Things (IoT) in recent years, writes Simon Moffatt, the director of advanced customer engineering at ForgeRock. Whilst the IoT was once primarily the province of consumer gadgets and wearables, it now includes a growing number of luxury products such as connected cars and smart home systems. Indeed, according to IDATE, 420 million drivers will generate a connectivity market amounting to €9 billion by 2020. (more…)
March 16, 2016
Posted by: George Malim
A couple of years ago, Europe told Google to allow people to opt out of their search results, striking a blow for privacy. It was an important step, writes Juan Carlos Zuñiga, the principal engineer at InterDigital, but the increasing role of internet technology in our daily lives makes the broader matter of privacy more important than ever – and one that is growing in importance. The Internet of Things raises unique challenges. (more…)
March 15, 2016
Posted by: George Malim
Reinhard Mayr, the product manager of COPA-DATA continues his discussion of the five vital steps any manufacturer can take to improve the security of connected automated systems. (more…)
March 14, 2016
Posted by: George Malim
According to the Global State of Information Security Survey 2016, 38% more security incidents were detected in 2015 than the previous year. As a result, industrial businesses across the world are implementing new strategies to improve security. Reassuringly, 91% of survey respondents have a risk-based security framework in place, but the most cited source of compromise still lies with employees. Rather than jumping to the conclusion that these compromises are intentional, consider how much the usual employee actually knows about keeping your system safe. (more…)
March 10, 2016
Posted by: George Malim
Data from the heating system should not be seen on its own, writes Patrick McFadin, a Cassandra Evangelist at DataStax. Overall energy consumption data can and should be viewed alongside air conditioning and water usage information, while businesses with large energy use for specific purposes like refrigeration can break out this information too. In this example, putting these sets of data alongside each other can help manage the facility more efficiently but also look to spot other less obvious patterns in the data. (more…)
March 8, 2016
Posted by: George Malim
According to Gartner, 6.4 billion connected things will be in use in 2016, up 30% from 2015. From the IoT connected fridge, Fujitsu’s recently announced connected cow and IoT applications that are changing the healthcare industry; IoT has never been a more exciting, dynamic and creative sector, writes Duncan Gooding, the director of enterprise at TalkTalk Business. (more…)
March 7, 2016
Posted by: George Malim
The Internet of Things (IoT) has become one of the biggest areas of hype and marketing spend within the IT sector. However, the technologies involved in IoT are becoming quietly widespread throughout the enterprise and public sector organisations and in a recent report, Gartner predicted that 6.4 billion connected things will be in use in 2016 – that’s 30% more than in 2015. Regardless of the hype, this is happening in every enterprise, writes Patrick McFadin, a Cassandra Evangelist at DataStax. (more…)
March 4, 2016
Posted by: George Malim
Recently BBC News quoted former VW group president and now head of the Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership, Jonathan Browning. He cited foreign investment as key to the region’s spectacular recovery that has lead to the lowest unemployment for 30 years and the region becoming the ‘brains’ of the UK vehicle industry, writes Stephen Chadwick, the managing director for EuroNorth at Dassault Systèmes. (more…)
March 3, 2016
Posted by: George Malim
The Internet of Things is without question the buzzword in ICT. The 2016 Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain took this to a new level, writes Brian Partridge, the research vice president at 451 Research. The high level prioritisation that IoT holds among major ICT suppliers would have the uninitiated believing that IoT is accelerating everywhere. Of course it’s not, as anyone with P&L responsibilities attached to IoT growth in 2015 would attest. (more…)
March 2, 2016
Posted by: George Malim
Adoption of the Internet of Things is proceeding quickly and although most people don’t yet have a smart refrigerator or toaster in their home, smart has taken off in certain market segments, writes Christian Fredrikson, the chief executive of F-Secure. TVs, fitness tracking devices, home monitoring systems and personal wearable devices are all hot products for connectivity, and it’s only a matter of time before other segments follow. Gartner tells us that by 2020, 25 billion devices will be connected. (more…)
March 1, 2016
Posted by: George Malim