Health and wellness technology solutions provider partners with cloud network specialists to migrate to the cloud

Paul Blore, MD at Netmetix
Health, fitness and wellbeing digital solutions provider, boditrax, has recently partnered with Netmetix, cloud network specialists, to migrate to the cloud, manage a growing estate and create a more agile environment for customers to operate within. The business was previously hosted via a different provider through a hybrid cloud infrastructure network but required a more scalable environment to meet the demands of its rapid expansion.
After discussing the options with their previous cloud provider, boditrax concluded that the migration costs quoted were too high, so started looking externally for a reputable provider that could deliver the infrastructure, customer service and support they required.
Paul Blore, MD at Netmetix, is a boditrax user himself which is where the partnership began. After an initial introductory meeting, Netmetix offered various options that met boditrax’ requirements and were able to provide the more personal approach that they needed at a more competitive price. To make the whole process even easier, Netmetix were able to implement a multi-stage cloud rollout rather than jumping to the cloud in one giant leap.
The business saw almost instant benefits after implementation in October 2017, with a rollout on a Friday evening before the peak gym hours on Saturday morning, it delivered an immediate performance improvement to boditrax and their customers.
The site has recorded just a single P1 incident (high priority incident in a live setting since implementation, where a client was unable to login to the system, which Netmetix rectified within just 20 minutes of notification). The solution is currently being utilised at one site across the Northern European region, with plans to expand rollout across additional areas in the near future.
Bav Jansari, head of Development and Technology at boditrax commented “For me, they’re offering a managed service and it’s a prime example of what a managed service should be. The customer gives the client the requirements, the client proposes various options and we work collaboratively to discuss the pros and cons and how we should work together.” He adds “They do what they say they’re going to do. They provide us with confidence and we know we’re spending our money wisely, with them.”
Paul Blore, MD at Netmetix adds “We’re really excited about the partnership with boditrax. Being an advocate for the brand myself, I was really excited to be able to offer them the infrastructure and support that they required. We’re really looking forward to future plans with the business.”
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